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pĕr-hĭbĕo , ui, ĭtum, 2, v. a. habeo, hold out, extend, present, produce, bestow, grant, give, afford; to attribute, ascribe, assign, etc.
I. In gen. (mostly ante-class. and post-Aug.; cf.: edo, exhibeo): operam rei publicae fortem atque strenuam, Cato ap. Gell. 3, 7, 19: “magnanimitatis exemplum,Plin. 7, 25, 26, § 93: “testimonium,to bear witness, Varr. R. R. 2, 5, 1; Col. 3, 9; Plin. 7, 30, 31, § 112; 7, 38, 39, § 127: “ut testimonium perhiberet de lumine,Vulg. Joan. 1, 8; Aug. Civ. Dei, 10, 2 fin.; Vulg. Rom. 10, 2 et saep.: “in causā universorum creditorum, qui sine eo, quem Caecilius suo nomine perhiberet, facile causam communem sustinerent,to bring forward, furnish, Cic. Att. 1, 1, 4: “magnam auctoritatem huic animali perhibet Nigidius,attributes, Plin. 29, 6, 39, § 138: “alicui rei palmam,to give the preference, id. 31, 7, 39, § 80: “cui (Vettonicae) tanta vis perhibetur, ut, etc.,id. 25, 8, 55, § 101; 18, 11, 26, § 104: “ut rebus praecipuis honos in primis perhibeatur,id. 29, 1, 9, § 29.—
II. In partic., to say, assert any thing; to call, name any thing (mostly poet.; in Cic. very rare, perh. only three times; cf. Madv. Opusc. Acad. p. 200, and ad Cic. Fin. p. 163): vento quem perhibent Graium genus aëra linguā, Enn. ap. Prob. ad Verg. E. 6, 31 (Ann. v. 149 Vahl.); cf.: id quod nostri caelum memorant, Grai perhibent aethera, Pac. ap. Varr. L. L. 5, § 17 Müll. (Trag. Rel. p. 71 Rib.): est locus Hesperiam quam mortales perhibebant, Enn. ap. Macr. S. 6, 1 (Ann. v. 23 Vahl.): omnes corde patrem perhibent, id. ap. Don. ad Ter. Phorm. 5, 8, 39 (id. v. 460 ib.): Jove propagatus est, ut perhibent, Tantalus, Poët. ap. Quint. 9, 3, 57; so, “ut perhibent viri,Plaut. Cist. 1, 1, 68; and: “Electrā, ut Graii perhibent, Atlantide cretus,Verg. A. 8, 135: bene qui coniciet, vatem hunc perhibebo optimum, Cic. poët. Div. 2, 5, 12.—With acc. and inf.: fortunam insanam esse perhibent philosophi, Pac. ap. Auct. Her. 2, 22, 36 (Trag. Rel. p. 104 Rib.).—In pass.: sophiam sapientia quae perhibetur, Enn. ap. Fest. p. 325 Müll. (Ann. v. 227 Vahl.): sane ego me nolo fortem perhiberi virum, Plaut. Fragm. ap. Gell. 7, 7, 3: “quis me inprobior perhibeatur esse,id. Trin. 3, 2, 66: “montes, qui esse aurei perhibentur,are said to be, id. Stich. 1, 1, 25: “Tyndaridae fratres, qui nuntii fuisse perhibentur,Cic. Tusc. 1, 12, 28: “his (Romulus) dicitur ... perhibetur ceteris praestitisse,id. Rep. 2, 2, 4: “nec minus est Spartiates Agesilaus ille perhibendus,to be named, cited, id. Fam. 5, 12, 7.
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