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The people of Egypt eat the anthalium,1 but I cannot find that they make any other use of it; but there is another plant called the "anthyllium,"2 or, by some persons, the "anthyllum," of which there are two kinds: one, similar in its leaves and branches to the lentil, a palm in height, growing in sandy soils exposed to the sun, and of a somewhat saltish taste; the other, bearing a strong resemblance to the chamæpitys,3 but smaller and more downy, with a purple flower, a strong smell, and growing in stony spots.

The first kind, mixed with rose-oil and applied with milk, is extremely good for affections of the uterus and all kinds of sores: it is taken as a potion for strangury and gravel in the kidneys, in doses of three drachmæ. The other kind is taken in drink, with oxymel, in doses of four drachmæ, for indurations of the uterus, gripings of the bowels, and epilepsy.

1 The Cyperus esculentus of Linnæus, the esculent souchet.

2 The two varieties are identified with the Cressa Cretica and the Teucrium iva of Linnæus. The latter plant is said to be a sudorific.

3 See B. xxvi. c. 53.

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