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Come, withdraw and remain seated in the future. [170] I am going to take this chaplet myself and speak in your name. May the gods grant success to my plans! My country is as dear to me [175] as it is to you, and I groan, I am grieved at all that is happening in it. Scarcely one in ten of those who rule it is honest, and all the others are bad. If you appoint fresh chiefs, they will do still worse. [180] It is hard to correct your peevish humor; you fear those who love you and throw yourselves at the feet of those who betray you. There was a time when we had no assemblies, and then [185] we all thought Agyrrhius a dishonest man; now they are established, he who gets money thinks everything is as it should be, and he who does not, declares all who sell their votes to be worthy of death.

First Woman
By Aphrodite, that is well spoken.

[190] Why, wretched woman, you have actually called upon Aphrodite. Oh! what a fine thing it would have been if you had said that in the Assembly!

First Woman
But I would not have done it then.

Well, mind you don't fall into the habit.Resuming the oratorical manner. When we were discussing the alliance, it seemed as though it were all over with Athens if it fell through. [195] No sooner was it made than we were vexed and angry, and the orator who had caused its adoption was compelled to seek safety in flight. Is there talk of equipping a fleet? The poor man says, yes, but the rich citizen and the countryman say, no. You were angered against the Corinthians and they with you; [200] now they are well disposed towards you, be so towards them. As a rule the Argives are dull, but the Argive Hieronymus is a distinguished chief. Herein lies a spark of hope; but Thrasybulus is far from Athens and you do not recall him.

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    • A Dictionary of Greek and Roman Antiquities (1890), JUSJURANDUM
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