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Creusa rushes in.
[1250] My servants, I am pursued to the death; the Pythian council has decreed it; I am given up.

Chorus Leader
Unhappy lady, we know your misfortunes, how your fate stands.

Where then shall I fly? I scarcely escaped death when I left the house; I have come here by stealthy flight from my enemies.

Chorus Leader
[1255] Where else but to the altar?

What will that gain me?

Chorus Leader
It is not right to kill a suppliant.

But by the law I perish.

Chorus Leader
If you are caught.

And here are my bitter opponents, pressing on with drawn swords.

Chorus Leader
Now take your seat at the altar; if you die here, your blood will cry out [1260] for vengeance on your murderers; but your fate must be endured.Creusa takes refuge at the altar as Ion, guards, and Delphians enter.

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