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Stay here a moment first, and I will tell you,
apart from these whom you are taking in,
things which you ought to know but have not heard;
for I know everything there is to tell.

What do you want? Why have you stopped me here?

Wait, hear me. What I told you of before
340you learned with profit, and so will you now.

Then shall I call the others back again,
or will you speak to me and to my maidens?

To you and them, yes; let the others be.

Now they have gone, and you may tell your story.

Nothing this man has said to you just now
was spoken truly! Either this was false
or what he said before had no truth in it.

What are you saying? Tell me all you know,
350for I am ignorant of what you mean.

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  • Commentary references to this page (1):
    • Sir Richard C. Jebb, Commentary on Sophocles: Trachiniae, 1257
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