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of pity; but, if this man wishes, stay
until the others have prepared the ship
and we have made our offering to the gods.
Meanwhile perhaps his attitude toward us
1085will soften. Now the two of us must go:
as soon as we send word, be prompt to follow.
Neoptolemus follows Odysseus out.

O my hollow cavern of stone,
now hot, now icy cold, was I
never again to leave you then,
unhappy that I am, but die
1085with no one near but you?
Ah ah ah ah!
O my chamber, so full of grief
brought upon you by me alone,
how can I now survive here
1090day by day, and where will I find
hope to provide me with food in my pain?
The tremulous doves will
fly on their way through the piercing air
above my head, unhindered.

1095 You have caused this, you alone,
harsh-fated man, and no one
is forcing this fortune
upon you but you.
You had your chance to choose
1100a better fate, but chose instead
one which is harder for you.

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