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[1670] Ah, me, ah, me! Now, indeed, is it for us to bewail in full the curse on our blood—ill-fated sisters as we are—deriving from our father! In former time we bore the long toil without pause, [1675] and now at the last we bring to tell a sight and experience that baffle reason.

What is it?

It is possible to conjecture, friends.

He is gone?

Precisely in the way you could most wish for: indeed, in a way in which neither Ares took him, nor the sea, [1680] but instead he was snatched away to the fields which no one may see, by some swift, strange doom. Wretched me! For us a night like death has descended on our eyes; [1685] how shall we find our hard livelihood, roaming to some far land, or on the waves of the sea?

I do not know. If only murderous Hades would join me in death to my aged father! [1690] Wretched me! I cannot live the life that must be mine.

Best of daughters, you both must bear the will of the gods. Do not be inflamed with too much grief; [1695] what you have encountered is not to be blamed.

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    • Sir Richard C. Jebb, Commentary on Sophocles: Antigone, 138
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