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Everything is now tyranny with us, no matter what is concerned, whether it be large or small. Tyranny! [490] I have not heard the word mentioned once in fifty years, and now it is more common than salt-fish, the word is even current on the market. If you are buying gurnards and don't want anchovies, the huckster next door, who is selling the latter, at once exclaims, [495] "That is a man whose kitchen savours of tyranny!" If you ask for onions to season your fish, the green-stuff woman winks one eye and asks, "Ha, you ask for onions! are you seeking to tyrannize, or do you think that Athens must pay you your seasonings as a tribute?"

[500] Yesterday I went to see a whore about noon and told her to get on top; she flew into a rage, pretending I wanted to restore the tyranny of Hippias.

That's the talk that pleases the people! As for myself, I want my father to lead a joyous life like Morychus instead of [505] going away before dawn basely to calumniate and condemn; and for this I am accused of conspiracy and tyrannical practice!

And quite right too, by Zeus! The most exquisite dishes do not make up to me for the life of which you deprive me. [510] I scorn your red mullet and your eels, and would far rather eat a nice little lawsuitlet cooked in the pot.

That's because you have got used to seeking your pleasure in it; but if you will agree to keep silence and hear me, I think I could persuade you that you deceive yourself altogether.

[515] I deceive myself, when I am judging?

You do not see that you are the laughing-stock of these men, whom you are ready to worship. You are their slave and do not know it.

I a slave, I, who lord it over all?

Not at all, you think you are ruling when you are only obeying. Tell me, father, [520] what do you get out of the tribute paid by so many Greek towns.

Much, and I appoint my colleagues jurymen.

And I also. To the slaves Release him.

And bring me a sword; If I am worsted in this debate, I shall fall on the blade.

Tell me whether you will accept the verdict of the Court.

[525] May I never drink my Heliast's pay in honour of the Good Genius, if I do not.

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