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You should have seen how eagerly the ducks carried bricks. To complete the tale, [1150] the swallows came flying to the work, their beaks full of mortar and their trowels on their backs, just the way little children are carried.

Who would want paid servants after this? But tell me, who did the woodwork?

Birds again, [1155] and clever carpenters too, the pelicans, for they squared up the gates with their beaks in such a fashion that one would have thought they were using axes; the noise was just like a dockyard. Now the whole wall is tight everywhere, securely bolted and well guarded; [1160] it is patrolled, bell in hand; the sentinels stand everywhere and beacons burn on the towers. But I must run off to clean myself; the rest is your business.

He departs.

Leader of the Chorus
To Pisthetaerus.
Well! what do you say to it? Are you not astonished [1165] at the wall being completed so quickly?

By the gods, yes, and with good reason. It's really not to be believed. But here comes another messenger from the wall to bring us some further news! What a fighting look he has!

Second Messenger
Rushing in.
[1170] Alas! alas! alas! alas! alas! alas!

What's the matter?

Second Messenger
A horrible outrage has occurred; a god sent by Zeus has passed through our gates and has penetrated the realms of the air without the knowledge of the jays, who are on guard in the daytime.

[1175] It's a terrible and criminal deed. What god was it?

Second Messenger
We don't know that. All we know is, that he has got wings.

Why were not patrolmen sent against him at once?

Second Messenger
We have despatched thirty thousand hawks of the legion of Mounted Archers. [1180] All the hook-clawed birds are moving against him, the kestrel, the buzzard, the vulture, the great-horned owl; they cleave the air so that it resounds with the flapping of their wings; they are looking everywhere for the god, who cannot be far away; indeed, if I mistake not, [1185] he is coming from yonder side.

To arms, all, with slings and bows! This way, all our soldiers; shoot and strike! Some one give me a sling!

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