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Between Housecraft (the art of governing a Household or Home) and Statecraft
(the art of governing a Nation) there are differences corresponding to those
between the two kinds of community over which they severally preside. There is,
however, this further difference: that whereas the government of a nation is in
many hands, a household has but a single ruler.Now some arts are divided into two separate branches, one concerned with the
making of an object—for example a lyre or a flute—and the
other with its use when made. Statecraft on the other hand shows us how to build
up a nation from its beginning, as well as how to order rightly a nation that
already exists; from which we infer that Housecraft also tells us first how to
acquire a household and then how to conduct its affairs. By a Nation we
mean an assemblage of houses, lands, and property sufficient to enable the
inhabitants to lead a civilized life. This is proved by the fact that when such
a life is no longer possible for them, the tie itself which unites them is
dissolved. Moreover, it is with such a life in view that the association is
originally formed; and the object for which a thing exists and has come into
being is in fact the very essence of that particular thing.From this definition of a Nation, it is evident that the art of
Housecraft is older than that of Statecraft, since the Household, which it
creates, is older; being a component part of the Nation created by
Statecraft.Accordingly we must consider the
nature of Housecraft, and what the Household, which it creates, actually
is. The component parts of a household are (l) human beings, and (2) goods and
chattels. And as households are no exception to the rule that the nature of a
thing is first studied in its barest and simplest form,
we will follow Hesiod and begin by postulating
"Homestead first, and a woman; a plough-ox hardy to furrow." For the steading
takes precedence among our physical necessities, and the woman among our free
associates. It is, therefore, one of the tasks of Homecraft to set in order the
relation between man and woman; in other words, to see that it is what it ought
to be. Of occupations attendant on our goods and chattels, those come first which
are natural. Among these precedence is given to the one which cultivates the
land; those like mining, which extract wealth from it, take the second place.
Agriculture is the most honest of all such occupations; seeing that the wealth
it brings is not derived from other men. Herein it is distinguished from trade
and the wage-earning employments, which acquire wealth from others by their
consent; and from war, which wrings it from them perforce. It is also a natural
occupation; since by Nature's appointment all creatures receive sustenance from
their mother,
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