the arousing of feelings like pity,
fear, anger, and so on, and then again exaggeration and depreciation.
It is clear that in the case of the
incidents, too, one should work on the same principles, when effects of pity or
terror or exaggeration or probability have to be produced. There is just this difference, that some effects must
be clear without explanation,
2 whereas others are produced in the speeches by the speaker
and are due to the speeches. For what would be the use of a speaker, if the required
effect were likely to be felt without the aid of the speeches?
Under the head of
Diction one subject of inquiry is the various modes of speech, the knowledge of
which is proper to elocution or to the man who knows the master art
3—I mean for
instance, what is a command, a prayer, a statement, a threat, question, answer, and
so on. The knowledge or ignorance of
such matters brings upon the poet no censure worth serious consideration. For who
could suppose that there is any fault in the passage which Protagoras censures,
because Homer, intending to utter a prayer, gives a command when he says, "Sing,
goddess, the wrath"? To order something to be done or not is, he points out, a
So we may leave this topic as one that belongs not to poetry
but to another art.
Diction as a
4 is made up of these parts: letter, syllable,
conjunction, joint,
noun, verb, case, phrase. A letter is
an indivisible sound, not every such sound but one of which an intelligible sound
can be formed. Animals utter indivisible sounds but none that I should call a
letter. Such sounds may be subdivided
into vowel, semi-vowel, and mute. A vowel is that which without any addition has an
audible sound; a semivowel needs the addition of another letter to give it audible
sound, for instance S and R; a mute is that which with addition has no sound of its
own but becomes audible when combined with some of the letters which have a sound.
Examples of mutes are G and D. Letters
differ according to the shape of the mouth and the place at which they are sounded;
in being with or without aspiration; in being long and short; and lastly in having
an acute, grave, or intermediate accent. But the detailed study of these matters
properly concerns students of metre.
A syllable is a sound without meaning,
composed of a mute and a letter that has a sound. GR, for example, without A is a
syllable just as much as GRA with an A. But these distinctions also belong to the
theory of metre. words. It is also very obscure. Students should refer to Bywater's
A conjunction is a sound without meaning,