[25] In the same way by agreement with Philip we have waived our claim to Amphipolis, and we are permitting Cardia1 to be excepted from the rest of the Chersonese, the Carian2 to occupy the islands of Chios, Cos, and Rhodes, and the Byzantines to detain our ships3 in harbor, obviously because we think that the respite which the peace affords is more productive of advantages than wrangling and coming to blows over these points. Therefore it is sheer folly and perversity, after dealing with the powers one by one on matters of vital concern to ourselves, to challenge them all together to fight about this phantom at Delphi.

1 Cardia, largely inhabited by Athenian colonists, was included in the peace of 346 as an ally of Philip.

2 Idrieus, satrap of Caria, brother and successor of the famous Mausolus, who had helped the islands in their revolt from Athens in the Social War of 357—355.

3 Corn—ships from the Euxine forced to pay toll at Byzantium.

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