And yet is it fair and right that, when it suits your
convenience, you should call him an enemy of your state, but, when you want to
bully me, the same man should be described as your fellow-citizen; and that on
the death of Sitalces,1
on whom you did confer your citizenship, you should at once cultivate the
friendship of his murderer, and pick a quarrel with us to shield Cersobleptes?
And all the time you know perfectly well that of those who receive such honors
at your hands not one cares a jot for your laws or your decrees.
1 Apparently a mistake. Sitalces, king of the Odrysae, was an ally, but not a citizen, of Athens, and was killed in battle against the Triballi in 424 (Thuc. 4.101). The description here exactly suits Cotys.
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