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1 In 402 B.C.; cp. Book 14.18.
2 Cicero (Cic. ad Att. 14.12), writing in April, 43 B.C., states that this was an act of Antony, based upon a law of Caesar's presumably passed by the Roman people. Nothing can have come of it, since Sextus Pompeius held the island by late 43 B.C. and lost it to Augustus, who showed no interest in extending Roman citizenship to the provinces on such a wholesale scale. Pliny in his sketch of Sicily (3.88-91) lists, shortly before A.D. 79, several different degrees of civic status for the cities of the island.
3 In 339 B.C.; cp. Book 16.82.
4 Hiero was given the title of "King" in 270 B.C. and probably bore it until his death in 216.
5 Cp. chap. 33.
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79 AD (1)
402 BC (1)
339 BC (1)
270 BC (1)
- Cross-references to this page
- Dictionary of Greek and Roman Geography (1854), SYRACU´SAE
- Smith's Bio, Di'ocles
- Cross-references in notes from this page
- Cicero, Letters to Atticus, 14.12
- Cross-references in general dictionaries to this page
- LSJ, ἀναθεώρ-ησις
- LSJ, τειχοποι-ία