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1 The Thirty were instituted as the governing board at Athens by Lysander after the capture of the city (404 B.C.) following the defeat of Aegospotami. Though Sparta's allies wished to destroy Athens utterly, Sparta herself would not allow such drastic punishment, but did demand the dismantling of the walls, which were torn down by the Athenian populace to the accompaniment of flute music. Though forbidden to rebuild, when, after the victory of Cnidus (394 B.C.), Conon returned to Athens, the people once again built the walls.
2 See Xen. Hell. 6.5.33-49. Diodorus brings in too soon the dispatch of Iphicrates and his army. It belongs to the spring of 369, after the campaign in Laconia.
3 The best account of this invasion is in Xen. Hell. 6.5.22-32. See also Pausanias 9.14; Plut. Pelopidas 24, Plut. Agesilaus 31-32; Polyaenus 2.1.14, 15, 27, 29; Nepos Agesilaus 6; Aelian Var. Hist. 14.27. The invasion of Laconia belongs to the winter 370/69.
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- LSJ, ὀλι^γ-ανδρέω
- LSJ, συγ-κλείω