Well; suppose you sacrifice the child; what prayer will you utter, when it is done? what will the blessing be that you will invoke upon yourself as you are slaying our daughter? An ill returning, seeing the disgrace that speeds your going forth? Is it right that I should pray for any luck to attend you? Surely we should deem the gods devoid of sense,
if we harbored a kindly feeling towards murder? Shall you embrace your children on your coming back to Argos? No, you have no right. Will any child of yours ever face you, if you have surrendered one of them to death? Has this ever entered into your calculations, or does your one duty consist
in carrying a scepter about and marching at the head of an army? When you might have made this fair proposal among the Argives; “Is it your wish, Achaeans, to sail for Phrygia's shores? Why then, cast lots whose daughter has to die.” For that would have been a fair course for you to pursue, instead of picking out
your own child for the victim and presenting her to the Danaids; or Menelaus, as it was his concern, should have slain Hermione for her mother. As it is, I, who still am true to your bed, must lose my child; while she, who went astray,
will return with her daughter, and live in happiness at Sparta. If I am wrong in my words, answer me; but if they have been fairly urged, do not slay your child, who is mine too, and you will be wise.
Chorus Leader
Hearken to her, Agamemnon, for to join in saving your children's lives is surely a noble deed;
no one will deny this.
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