Old man
as Menelaus wrests a letter from him.
Strange daring yours, Menelaus, where you have no right. Menelaus
Stand back! You carry loyalty to your master too far. Old man
[305] The very reproach you have for me is to my credit. Menelaus
You shall rue it, if you meddle in matters that do not concern you. Old man
You had no right to open a letter, which I was carrying. Menelaus
No, nor you to be carrying sorrow to all Hellas. Old man
Argue that point with others, but surrender that letter to me. Menelaus
[310] I shall not let go. Old man
Nor will I let loose my hold. Menelaus
Why then, this staff of mine will be dabbling your head with blood before long. Old man
To die in my master's cause would be a noble death. Menelaus
Let go! you are too wordy for a slave. Old man
seeing Agamemnon approaching
Master, he is wronging me; he snatched [315] your letter violently from my grasp, Agamemnon, and will not heed the claims of right.
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