
May the Fury that punishes your children's death, and [1390] Justice the murderous,1 destroy you utterly!

What god or power above will listen to you, who broke your oath and deceived a stranger?

Pah! Unclean wretch! Child-murderer!

Go home! Bury your wife!

[1395] Yes—bereft of my two sons—I go.

Your mourning has yet to begin. Wait until old age.

O children most dear.

Yes, to their mother, not to you.

And so you killed them?

Yes, to cause you grief.

Alas, how I long for the dear faces of my children, [1400] to enfold them in my arms.

Now you speak to them, now you greet them, when before you thrust them from you.

By the gods, I beg you, let me touch the tender flesh of my children!

It cannot be. Your words are uttered in vain.

[1405] Zeus, do you hear this, how I am driven away and what treatment I endure from this unclean, child-murdering monster? But with all the strength I have, I make my lament and adjure the gods, [1410] calling the heavenly powers to witness that you killed my sons and now forbid me to touch them or to bury their bodies. Oh that I had never begotten them, never seen them dead at your hands!Medea with the corpses of her children is borne aloft away from Corinth. Exit Jason by Eisodos B.

[1415] Zeus on Olympus has many things in his treasure-house, and many are the things the gods accomplish against our expectation. What men expect is not brought to pass, but a god finds a way to achieve the unexpected. Such is the outcome of this story.Exit Chorus by Eisodos B.

1 Both the Erinys (Fury) and Diké (Justice) are agents of Zeus.

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