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”Hom. Il. 2.571The graves of the children of Aras are, in my opinion, on the Arantine Hill and not in any other part of the land. On the top of them are far-seen gravestones, and before the celebration of the mysteries of Demeter the people look at these tombs and call Aras and his children to the libations. [6] The Argives say that Phlias, who has given the land its third name, was the son of Ceisus, the son of Temenus. This account I can by no means accept, but I know that he is called a son of Dionysus, and that he is said to have been one of those who sailed on the Argo. The verses of the Rhodian poet confirm me in my opinion:—“Came after these Phlias from Araethyrea to the muster;
Here did he dwell and prosper, because Dionysus his father
Cared for him well, and his home was near to the springs of Asopus.
”Apollonius Rhodius Argonautica 1.115-117.The account goes on to say that the mother of Phlias was Araethyrea and not Chthonophyle. The latter was his wife and bore him Androdamas.
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- Commentary references to this page
- W. W. How, J. Wells, A Commentary on Herodotus, 7.202
- Cross-references to this page
- Dictionary of Greek and Roman Geography (1854), ARAETHY´REA
- Dictionary of Greek and Roman Geography (1854), PHLIUS or PHLIASIA
- Smith's Bio, Araethy'rea
- Cross-references from this page (2):