but if I were to
attempt to state it, I know very well that you would say that I was
delivering a harangue.1 Either then allow me to speak at such
length as I desire,2 or, if you prefer to ask
questions, go on questioning and I, as we do for old wives3
telling their tales, will say 'Very good' and will nod assent and
dissent.” “No, no,” said I, “not
counter to your own belief.” “Yes, to please
you,” he said, “since you don't allow me freedom of
speech. And yet what more do you want?” “Nothing,
indeed,” said I; “but if this is what you propose to do,
do it and I will ask the questions.” “Ask on,
then.” “This, then, is the question I ask, the same as
before, so that our inquiry may proceed in sequence.
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