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[560e] and purged1 of all these the soul of the youth that they have thus possessed2 and occupied, and whom they are initiating with these magnificent and costly rites,3 they proceed to lead home from exile insolence and anarchy and prodigality and shamelessness, resplendent4 in a great attendant choir and crowned with garlands, and in celebration of their praises they euphemistically denominate insolence ‘good breeding,’ licence ‘liberty,’ prodigality ‘magnificence,’

1 Cf. 567 C and 573 B where the word is also used ironically, and Laws 735, Polit. 293 D, Soph. 226 D.

2 κατέχομαι is used of divine “possession” or inspiration in Phaedr. 244 E, Ion 533 E, 536 B, etc., Xen.Symp. 1. 10.

3 Plato frequently employs the language of the mysteries for literary effect. Cf. Gorg. 497 C, Symp. 210 A and 218 B, Theaet. 155 E-156 A, Laws 666 B, 870 D-E, Phaedr. 250 B-C, 249 C, Phaedo 81 A, 69 C, Rep. 378 A, etc., and Thompson on Meno 76 E.

4 Cf. 628. 5 (Nauck), Soph.El. 1130.

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