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Meanwhile the Corinthian fleet from Leucas
made all haste to arrive; and one of their commanders, Gongylus, starting last with a single ship,
was the first to reach Syracuse, a little before Gylippus.
Gongylus found the Syracusans on the point of holding an assembly to
consider whether they should not put an end to the war.
This he prevented, and reassured them by telling them that more vessels
were still to arrive, and that Gylippus, son of Cleandridas, had been
despatched by the Lacedaemonians to take the command.
Upon this the Syracusans took courage, and immediately marched out with all
their forces to meet Gylippus, who they found was now close at hand.
Meanwhile Gylippus, after taking Ietae, a fort of the Sicels, on his way,
formed his army in order of battle, and so arrived at Epipolae, and
ascending by Euryelus, as the Athenians had done at first, now advanced with
the Syracusans against the Athenian lines.
His arrival chanced at a critical moment.
The Athenians had already finished a double wall of six or seven furlongs
to the great harbor, with the exception of a small portion next to the sea,
which they were still engaged upon; and in the remainder of the circle towards Trogilus on the other sea,
stones had been laid ready for building for the greater part of the
distance, and some points had been left half finished, while others were
entirely completed.
The danger of Syracuse had indeed been great.
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References (23 total)
- Commentary references to this page
- E.C. Marchant, Commentary on Thucydides: Book 6, 6.103
- E.C. Marchant, Commentary on Thucydides: Book 6, 6.98
- E.C. Marchant, Commentary on Thucydides: Book 7, 7.69
- C.E. Graves, Commentary on Thucydides: Book 4, CHAPTER CVI
- Cross-references to this page
- Herbert Weir Smyth, A Greek Grammar for Colleges, THE CASES
- Raphael Kühner, Bernhard Gerth, Ausführliche Grammatik der griechischen Sprache, KG 1.3.1
- Jeffrey A. Rydberg-Cox, Overview of Greek Syntax, Nouns, Adjectives, and Pronouns
- Dictionary of Greek and Roman Geography (1854), IAETA
- Dictionary of Greek and Roman Geography (1854), SYRACU´SAE
- William Watson Goodwin, Syntax of the Moods and Tenses of the Greek Verb, Chapter II
- Smith's Bio, Clea'ndridas
- Smith's Bio, Go'ngylus
- Smith's Bio, Gylippus
- Cross-references in notes to this page
- Thucydides, History of the Peloponnesian War, Thuc. 7.15
- Cross-references in general dictionaries to this page
- LSJ, ἀπαλλ-α^γή
- LSJ, ἀπαντάω
- LSJ, ἐκκλησι-άζω
- LSJ, ἐπιρρώννυ_μι
- LSJ, ἡμι-έργαστος
- LSJ, πα^ρά
- LSJ, τάχος
- LSJ, τοσοῦτος
- LSJ, τυγχάνω
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