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"But," says Apion, "we Jews have not had any wonderful
men amongst us, not any inventors of arts, nor any eminent for wisdom."
He then enumerates Socrates, and Zeno, and Cleanthes, and some others of
the same sort; and, after all, he adds himself to them, which is the most
wonderful thing of all that he says, and pronounces Alexandria to be happy,
because it hath such a citizen as he is in it; for he was the fittest man
to be a witness to his own deserts, although he hath appeared to all others
no better than a wicked mountebank, of a corrupt life and ill discourses;
on which account one may justly pity Alexandria, if it should value itself
upon such a citizen as he is. But as to our own men, we have had those
who have been as deserving of commendation as any other whosoever, and
such as have perused our Antiquities cannot be ignorant of them.
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