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There is in Ætolia a very large mountain, the Corax,1 which is contiguous to Œta. Among the other mountains, more in the middle of the country, is the Aracynthus,2 near which the founders built the modern Pleuron, having abandoned the ancient city situated near Calydon, which was in a fertile plain country, when Demetrius, surnamed Ætolicus, laid waste the district.

Above Molycreia3 are Taphiassus4 and Chalcis,5 mountains of considerable height, on which are situated the small cities, Macynia and Chalcis, (having the same name as the mountain,) or, as it is also called, Hypochalcis. Mount Curium is near the ancient Pleuron, from which some supposed the Pleuronii had the appellation of Curetes.

1 M. Coraca.

2 M. Zigos.

3 Xerotimæ.

4 Kaki-scala.

5 Varassova

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