So great indeed is Italy, and much as we have described
it; we will now advert to the chief of the many things that
have been described, which have conduced to raise the Romans
to so great a height of prosperity. One point is its insular
position, by which it is securely guarded, the seas forming a
natural protection around it with the exception of a very inconsiderable frontier, which too is fortified by almost impassable mountains. A second is, that there are but few
harbours, and those few capacious and admirably situated.
These are of great service both for enterprises against foreign
places, and also in case of invasions undertaken against the
country, and the reception of abundant merchandise. And a
third, that it is situated so as to possess many advantages of
atmosphere and temperature of climate, in which both animals
and plants, and in fact all things available for sustaining life,
may be accommodated with every variety both of mild and
severe temperature; its length stretches in a direction north
and south. Sicily, which is extensive, may be looked upon as
an addition to its length, for we cannot consider it in any other
light than as a part of it. The salubrity or severity of the
atmosphere of different countries, is estimated by the amount
of cold or heat, or the degrees of temperature between those
extremes; in this way we shall find that Italy, which is situated in the medium of both the extremes, and having so great
a length, largely participates in a salubrious atmosphere, and
that in many respects. This advantage is still secured to it
in another way, for the chain of the Apennines extending
through its whole length, and leaving on each side plains and
fruitful hills, there is no district which does not participate in
the advantages of the best productions both of hill and plain.
We must also enumerate the magnitude and number of its
rivers and lakes, and the springs of hot and cold waters supplied by nature in various localities for the restoration of
health; and in addition to these, its great wealth in mines of
all the metals, abundance of timber, and excellent food both
for man and for beasts of all kinds. Italy, likewise, being
situated in the very midst of the greatest nations, I allude to
Greece and the best provinces of Asia, is naturally in a posi-
tion to gain the ascendency, since she excels the circumjacent
countries both in the valour of her population and in extent
of territory, and by being in proximity to them seems to have
been ordained to bring them into subjection without difficulty.
If, in addition to our description of Italy, a few words
should be summarily added about the Romans who have possessed themselves of it, and prepared it as a centre from
whence to enforce their universal dominion, we would offer
the following.—The Romans, after the foundation of their
state, discreetly existed as a kingdom for many years, till
Tarquin, the last [Roman king], abused his power, when they
expelled him, and established a mixed form of government,
being a modification both of the monarchical and aristocratical systems; they admitted both the Sabines
1 and Latins
into their alliance, but as neither they nor the other neighbouring states continued to act with good faith towards them
at all times, they were under the necessity of aggrandizing
themselves by the dismemberment of their neighbours.
3 Having thus, by degrees, arrived at a state of considerable
importance, it chanced that they lost their city suddenly,
contrary to the expectation of all men, and again recovered
the same contrary to all expectation.
4 This took place, according to Polybius, in the nineteenth year after the naval
engagement of Ægos-potami,
5 about the time of the con-
clusion of the peace of Antalcidas.
6 Having escaped these
misfortunes, the Romans first reduced all the Latins
7 to complete obedience, they then subdued the Tyrrheni,
8 and stayed
the Kelts, who border the Po, from their too frequent and
licentious forays; then the Samnites, and after them they
conquered the Tarentines and Pyrrhus,
9 and presently after
the remainder of what is now considered as Italy, with the
exception of the districts on the Po. While these still remained a subject of dispute they passed over into Sicily,
10 and
having wrested that island from the Carthaginians
11 they re-
turned to complete the conquest of the people dwelling along
the Po. While this war was still in hand Hannibal entered
12 thus the second war against the Carthaginians ensued,
and after a very short interval the third, in which Carthage
was demolished.
13 At the same time the Romans became
masters of Africa,
14 and of such portions of Spain as they won
from the Carthaginians. Both the Greeks and the Macedonians, and the nations of Asia who dwelt on the hither side
of the river Kisil-Irmak
15 and the Taurus, took part in these
struggles with the Carthaginians: over these Antiochus
16 was
king, and Philip and Perseus,
17 these therefore the Romans
found themselves obliged to subdue. The people likewise of
Illyria and Thrace, who were next neighbours to the Greeks
and Macedonians, at this time commenced the war with the
Romans that never ceased, until the subjugation of all the
people who inhabit the countries on the hither side of the
18 and the Kisil-Irmak
19 had been effected. The
Iberians, and Kelts, and all the rest who are subject to the
Romans, shared a similar fate, for the Romans never rested in
the subjugation of the land to their sway until they had entirely overthrown it: in the first instance they took Numantia,
and subdued Viriathus,
21 and afterwards vanquished Sertorius,
and last of all the Cantabrians,
23 who were brought to subjection by Augustus Cæsar.
24 Likewise the whole of Gaul both
within and beyond the Alps with Liguria were annexed at first
by a partial occupation, but subsequently divus Cæsar and
then Augustus subdued them completely in open war, so that
25 the Romans direct their expeditions against the Germans from these countries as the most convenient rendezvous,
and have already adorned their own country with several
triumphs over them. Also in Africa all that did not belong
to the Carthaginians has been left to the charge of kings
owning dependence on the Roman state, while such as have
attempted to assert their independence have been overpowered.
At the present moment both Maurusia and much of the rest
of Africa have fallen to the portion of Juba
26 on account of
his good will and friendship towards the Romans. The like
things have taken place in Asia. At first it was governed by
kings who were dependent on the Romans, and afterwards
when their several lines of succession failed, as of that of the
kings Attalus,
27 the kings of the Syrians,
28 the Paphlagonians,
30 and Egyptians,
31 [or] when they revolted and
were subsequently deposed, as it happened in the case of
Mithridates Eupator, and Cleopatra of Egypt, the whole of
their territories within the Phasis
32 and the Euphrates,
33 with the exception of some tribes of Arabs, were brought completely under the dominion of the Romans and the dynasties
set up by them. The Armenians and the people who lie beyond Colchis, both the Albani and Iberians, require nothing
more than that Roman governors should be sent among them,
and they would be easily ruled; their attempted insurrections
are merely the consequence of the want of attention from the
Romans, who are so much occupied elsewhere: the like may be
asserted of those who dwell beyond the Danube,
34 and inhabit
the banks of the Euxine, excepting only those who dwell on the
35 and the Nomades;
36 of these the former are in subjection to the Romans, and the latter are unprofitable for commerce on account of their wandering life, and only require to be
watched. The rest of the countries [of Asia] are chiefly inhabited by Scenites
37 and Nomades who dwell at a great distance. The Parthians indeed border on them and are very
powerful, but they have yielded so far to the superiority of
the Romans and our emperors, that they have not only sent
38 to Rome the trophies which they had at a still more
distant period taken from the Romans, but Phraates has even
sent his sons and his sons' sons to Augustus Cæsar, as
hostages, assiduously courting his friendship:
39 indeed the
[Parthians] of the present time frequently send for a king
from hence,
40 and are almost on the point of relinquishing all
power to the Romans. We now see Italy, which has frequently
been torn by civil war even since it came under the dominion of
the Romans, nay, even Rome herself, restrained from rushing
headlong into confusion and destruction by the excellence of
her form of government and the ability of her emperors.
Indeed it were hard to administer the affairs of so great an
empire otherwise than by committing them to one man as a
41 For it would never have been in the power of the
Romans and their allies to attain to a state of such perfect
peace, and the enjoyment of such abundant prosperity, as
Augustus Cæsar afforded them from the time that he took
upon himself the absolute authority; and which his son Tiberius, who has succeeded him, still maintains, who takes his
father for a pattern in his government and ordinances. And
in their turn his sons, Germanicus and Drusus,
42 who are exercising the functions of government under their father, take
him for their model.