His arrival being known from the color of his robe, and the troops of cavalry,
and the cohorts which he had ordered to follow him being seen, as these low and
sloping grounds were plainly visible from the eminences, the enemy join battle.
A shout being raised by both sides, it was succeeded by a general shout along
the ramparts and whole line of fortifications. Our troops, laying aside their
javelins, carry on the engagement with their swords. The cavalry is suddenly
seen in the rear of the Gauls; the other cohorts
advance rapidly; the enemy turn their backs; the cavalry intercept them in their
flight, and a great slaughter ensues. Sedulius the general and
chief of the Lemovices is slain; Vergasillaunus the
Arvernian, is taken alive in the flight, seventy-four military
standards are brought to Caesar, and few out of so
great a number return safe to their camp. The besieged, beholding from the town
the slaughter and flight of their countrymen, despairing of safety, lead back
their troops from the fortifications. A flight of the Gauls from their camp immediately ensues on hearing of this
disaster, and had not the soldiers been wearied by sending frequent
reinforcements, and the labor of the entire day, all the enemy's forces could
have been destroyed. Immediately after midnight, the cavalry are sent out and
overtake the rear, a great number are taken or cut to pieces, the rest by flight
escape in different directions to their respective states.
Vercingetorix, having convened a council the following day,
declares, "That he had undertaken that war, not on account of his own exigences,
but on account of the general freedom; and since he must yield to fortune, he
offered himself to them for either purpose, whether they should wish to atone to
the Romans by his death, or surrender him alive.
Embassadors are sent to Caesar on this
subject. He orders their arms to be surrendered, and their chieftains delivered
up. He seated himself at the head of the lines in front of the camp, the
Gallic chieftains are brought before him. They surrender
Vercingetorix, and lay down their arms. Reserving the
Aedui and Arverni, [to try] if he could gain over,
through their influence, their respective states, he distributes one of the
remaining captives to each soldier, throughout the entire army, as plunder.
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