When Caesar had gone through all the states of
Cisalpine Gaul, he returned with the greatest haste to the army
at Nemetocenna ; and having ordered all his legions to march from
winter quarters to the territories of the Treviri , he went thither and reviewed them. He made Titus
Labienus governor of Cisalpine Gaul, that he might be
the more inclined to support him in his suit for the consulate. He himself made
such journeys as he thought would conduce to the health of his men by change of
air; and though he was frequently told that Labienus
was solicited by his enemies, and was assured that a scheme was in agitation by
the contrivance of a few, that the senate should interpose their authority to
deprive him of a part of his army; yet he neither gave credit to any story
concerning Labienus, nor could be prevailed upon to do
any thing in opposition to the authority of the senate; for he thought that his
cause would be easily gained by the free voice of the senators. For Caius
Curio, one of the tribunes of the people, having undertaken to defend
Caesar's cause and dignity, had often proposed to
the senate, "that if the dread of Caesar's arms
rendered any apprehensive, as Pompey's authority and arms were no
less formidable to the forum, both should resign their command, and disband
their armies. That then the city would be free, and enjoy its due rights." And
he not only proposed this, but of himself called upon the senate to divide on
the question. But the consuls and Pompey's friends interposed to
prevent it; and regulating matters as they desired, they broke up the meeting.
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