Ought we not to think that those men who foresaw all these things, O Romans, ought to be
venerated and worshipped by us, and classed almost in the number of the immortal gods? For
what was it which they saw? They saw this, which I entreat you now to remark and take notice
of. Manners are not implanted in men so much by the blood and family, as by those things
which are supplied by the nature of the plan towards forming habits of life, by which we are
nourished, and by which we live. The Carthaginians, a fraudulent and lying nation, were
tempted to a fondness for deceiving by a desire of gain, not by their blood, but by the
character of their situation because, owing to the number of their harbours, they had
frequent intercourse with merchants and foreigners. The Ligurians, being mountaineers, are a
hardy and rustic tribe. The land itself taught them to be so by producing nothing which was
not extracted from it by skillful cultivation, and by great labour. The Campanians were
always proud from the excellence of their soil, and the magnitude of their crops, and the
healthiness, and position, and beauty of their city. From that abundance, and from this
affluence in all things, in the first place, originated those qualities; arrogance, which
demanded of our ancestors that one of the consuls should be chosen from Capua: and in the second place, that luxury which conquered
Hannibal himself by pleasure, who up to that time had proved invincible in arms.
When those decemvirs shall, in accordance with the law of Rullus,
have led six hundred colonists to that place; when they shall have established there a
hundred decurions, ten augurs, and six priests, what do you suppose their courage, and
violence, and ferocity will be then? They will laugh at and despise Rome, situated among mountains and valleys, stuck up, as it
were, and raised aloft, amid garrets, with not very good roads, and with very narrow streets,
in comparison with their own Capua, stretched out
along a most open plain, and in comparison of their own beautiful thoroughfares. And as for
the lands, they will not think the Vatican or
Pupinian district fit to be compared at all to their fertile and luxuriant plains. And all
the abundance of neigbouring towns which surround us they will compare in laughter and scorn
with their neighbours. They will compare Labici,
Fidenae, Collatia,—even Lanuvium
itself, and Aricia, and Tusculum, with Cales, and Teanum, and Naples, and
Puteoli, and Cumae, and Pompeii, and Nuceria.
By all these things they will be elated and puffed up,
perhaps not at once, but certainly when they have got a little more age and vigour they will
not be able to restrain themselves; they will go on further and further. A single individual,
unless he be a man of great wisdom, can scarcely, when placed in situations of great wealth
or power, contain himself within the limits of propriety; much less will those colonists,
sought out and selected by Rullus, and others like Rullus, when established at Capua, in that abode of pride, and in the very home of
luxury, refrain from immediately contracting some wickedness and iniquity. Yes, and it will
be much more the case with them, than with the old genuine Campanians, because they were born
and trained up in a fortune which was theirs of old, but were depraved by a too great
abundance of everything; but these men, being transferred from the most extreme indigence to
a corresponding affluence, will be affected, not only by the extent of their riches, but also
by the strangeness of them.
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