For what deliberative assembly is there in the whole earth, whether great or
little, which has not expressed that opinion of my exploits which is most
desirable and most honourable for me? The greatest council of the Roman
people, and of all peoples, and nations, and kings, is the senate. That
decreed that all men who desired the safety of the republic should come
forward to defend me alone, and showed its opinion that the republic could
not have been saved if I had not existed, and could not last if
I did not return.
The next in rank to
this dignified body is the equestrian order. All the companies of public
contractors passed most favourable and honourable decrees respecting my
consulship and my actions. The scriveners, who are much connected with us in
matters relating to public registers and monuments, took good care that
their sentiments and resolutions respecting my services to the republic
should not be left in doubt. There is no corporation in all this city, no
body of men either from the higher or lower parts of the city,1 (since
our ancestors thought fit that the common people of the city should also
have places of meeting and some sort of deliberative assemblies,) which has
not passed most honourable resolutions, not merely respecting my safety, but
relating also to my dignity.
For why need
I mention those divine and immortal decrees of the municipal towns, and of
the colonies, and of all Italy, by
which, as by a flight of steps, I seem not only to have returned to my
country, but to have mounted up to heaven? And what a day was that when the
Roman people beheld you, O Publius Lentulus, passing a law respecting me,
and felt how great a man and how worthy a citizen you were. For it is well
known that the Campus Martius had
never on any comitia seen so vast a crowd, or
such a splendid assembly of men of every class, age, and order. I say
nothing of the unanimous judgment and unanimous agreement of the cities,
nations, provinces, kings,—of the whole world, in
short,—as to the services which I had done to the whole human
race. But what an arrival at and entry into the city was mine! Did my
country receive me as it ought to receive light and safety when brought back
and restored to it, or as a cruel tyrant, as you, you herd of Catiline, were
accustomed to call me?
Therefore that one
day on which the Roman people honoured me by escorting me with immense
numbers and loud demonstrations of joy from the gate to the Capitol, and
from the Capitol home, was so delightful to me, that that wicked violence of
yours which had driven me away appeared not to be a thing from
which I ought to have been defended, but one which it was worth my while
even to purchase. Wherefore that calamity, if it deserves to be called a
calamity, has put an end to the whole previous system of abuse, and has
prevented any one for the future from daring to find fault with my
consulship, which has now been approved of by such numerous, and such
important, and such dignified decisions, and testimonies, and authorities.
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1 The Latin is pagani aut montani, and whether it refers to portions of the city, or to people in the suburban districts, Graevius professes himself quite ignorant, saying that this is the only mention of such classes. Riddle translates it (v. paganus) “countrymen and mountaineers.” Yet the next words, plebei urbanae, seem to show that they refer to some division of the citizens of the city itself.
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