You request Plancius to mention any faults of Laterensis. He cannot mention
any, unless he thinks him too ill-tempered towards himself. At the same time
you extol Laterensis highly yourself. I have no particular objection to your
spending a number of words on what has nothing to do with the trial, and to
your occupying so much time, while conducting the prosecution, in saying
what I, who am the counsel for the defence can admit without any danger. And
I do not only admit that every sort of high quality is to be found in
Laterensis, but I even find fault with you, for not enumerating his chief
excellences, but descending to look for trifling and insignificant subjects
for panegyric. You say “That he celebrated games at Praeneste.” Well; have not
other quaestors done the same? “That at Cyrene he was liberal towards the farmers
of the revenue, and just towards the allies.” Who denies it? but
so many important transactions take place at Rome, that it is difficult for those things which are done
in the provinces to get heard of.
I have
no fear, O judges, of appearing to assume too much credit to myself, if I
speak of my own quaestorship. For although I got great credit in it, still I
consider that I have been employed since that in the highest offices of the
state, so that I have no need to seek for much glory from the credit I
gained in my quaestorship; but still I do not fear that any one will venture
to say that anybody's quaestorship in Sicily has been either more acceptable to the people, or
has gained a higher reputation for the quaestor. Indeed, I can say this with
truth, I, too, at that time thought that men at Rome were talking of nothing else except
my quaestorship. At a time of great dearness, I had sent an immense quantity
of corn to Rome. I had been
affable to the traders, just to the merchants, liberal to the citizens of
the municipal towns, moderate as regards the allies, and in every respect I
appeared to have been most diligent in the discharge of every part of my
duty. Some perfectly unheard-of honours were contrived for me by the
Therefore I left my province
with the hope that the Roman people would come forward of its own accord to
pay me every sort of honour. But when one day by chance at that time, I, on
my road from the province, had arrived in the course of my journey at
Puteoli, at a time which
great numbers of the wealthiest men are accustomed to spend in that
district, I almost dropped with vexation when some one asked me what day I
had left Rome, and whether there
was any news there. And when I had replied that I was on my road from my
province, “Oh yes,” said he, “from Africa, I suppose.”
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