Upon this Aper replied, You still persist, Messala, in admiring
only what is old and antique and in sneering at and disparaging the culture
of our own day. I have often heard this sort of talk from you, when,
forgetting the eloquence of yourself and your brother, you argued that
nobody in this age is an orator. And you did this, I believe, with the more
audacity because you were not afraid of a reputation for ill-nature, seeing
that the glory which others concede to you, you deny to yourself. I feel no
penitence, said Messala, for such talk, nor do I believe that Secundus or
Maternus or you yourself, Aper, think differently, though now and then you
argue for the opposite view. I could wish that one of you were prevailed on
to investigate and describe to us the reasons of this vast difference. I
often inquire into them by myself. That which consoles some minds, to me
increases the difficulty. For I perceive that even with the Greeks it has
happened that there is a greater distance between Aeschines and Demosthenes
on the one hand, and your friend Nicetes or any other orator who shakes
Ephesus or Mitylene with a chorus of rhetoricians and their noisy applause,
on the other, than that which separates Afer, Africanus, or yourselves from
Cicero or Asinius.