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blood (“flesh and , let” (a person) “ ” are freq.; “man of blood” Mac. III. iv. 126, 4 a hunting expression)
1. vital fluid, (hence) life Rom. III. i. 189 “the price of his dear blood.”
2. supposed source of emotion, (hence) passion Ado II. i. 189, “faith melteth into blood”; temper, mood, disposition Ado I. iii. 30 “it better fits my blood,” 2H4 IV. iv. 38, Tim. IV. ii. 38, Ham. III. ii. 74 “Whose blood and judgment are so well comingled” ; (emphatically) high temper, mettle, anger Mer.V. I. ii. 20, Lr. IV. ii. 64.
3. fleshly nature of man Tp. IV. i. 53 “the fire i' the blood,” Compl. 162.
4. “in blood,” in full vigour, full of life LLL. IV. ii. 4, 1H6 IV. ii. 48, Cor. I. i. 165 (‘art in the worst condition for running’), IV. v. 226.
5. blood-relationship, (hence) parentage, descent, stock, kindred Meas. III. i. 141, MND. I. i. 135, AYL. I. i. 48, John IV. ii. 99 “That blood which ow'd” (=owned) “the breadth of all this isle,” 1H6 IV. v. 16, Mac. II. iii. 147 “the near in , The nearer bloody.”
6. good parentage or stock Gent. III. i. 121 “a gentleman of blood,” Troil. III. iii. 26.
7. man of fire, spirit, or mettle Ado III. iii. 140, LLL. V. ii. 713, Cæs. I. ii. 150 “the breed of noble b-”
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  • Cross-references in text-specific dictionaries from this page (14):
    • William Shakespeare, Coriolanus, 1.1
    • William Shakespeare, Coriolanus, 4.5
    • William Shakespeare, Macbeth, 2.3
    • William Shakespeare, Macbeth, 3.4
    • William Shakespeare, King Lear, 4.2
    • William Shakespeare, Hamlet, Prince of Denmark, 3.2
    • William Shakespeare, Two Gentlemen of Verona, 3.1
    • William Shakespeare, King John, 4.2
    • William Shakespeare, As You Like It, 1.1
    • William Shakespeare, The First Part of Henry VI, 4.2
    • William Shakespeare, The First Part of Henry VI, 4.5
    • William Shakespeare, The Merchant of Venice, 1.2
    • William Shakespeare, A Midsummer Night's Dream, 1.1
    • William Shakespeare, The Tempest, 4.1
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