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mend (‘make better, improve’ in various contexts is the most freq. sense)
1. to reform H8 III. i. 104 “hollow hearts I fear ye. 'em” ; refl. Tw.N. I. v. 49 “bid the dishonest man himself” ; intr.=refl. Meas. III. ii. 28 “go ,” Tw.N. I. v. 49 “if he ,” Lr. II. iv. 232 “ when thou canst.”
2. to make amends for, atone for Cor. III. ii. 26 “You must return and it” ; (hence) to remedy, ‘help’ R2 II. iii. 153, III. ii. 100.
3. to adjust, set right All'sW. III. ii. 7 “ the ruff,” Ant. V. ii. 321 “Your crown's awry; I'll it.”
4. to restore to health 2H4 I. ii. 125 “heaven him!” ; intr. to get better, recover one's health Ado V. ii. 98 “love me, and ” ; (of a malady) to abate Tim. V. i. 192 “My long sickness . . . now begins to mend.”
5. to improve by addition, increase the value of Shr. I. ii. 154 “I'll it with a largess,” Tim. I. i. 173 “You the jewel by the wearing it,” Ant. I. v. 45 “To mend the petty present.”
6. to supplement, supply the deficiency of Err. IV. iii. 59 “we'll mend our dinner here,” H8 I. iv. 61.
7. to grow better in quality, do better, improve MND. V. ii. 55 [i. 431], Tw.N. I. v. 79, Cor. I. iv. 38, Ant. I. iii. 82.
8. to improve upon, better LLL. V. ii. 330 “in ushering him who can,” AYL. III. ii. 72 “ the instance.”
9. in asseverations and pious wishes AYL. IV. i. 199 “so God mend me,” 1H4 III. i. 254, Rom. I. v. 83 “God shall my soul;” H8 I. ii. 201 “God all!,” Cym. V. v. 68.
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hide References (15 total)
  • Cross-references in text-specific dictionaries from this page (15):
    • William Shakespeare, Anthony and Cleopatra, 1.3
    • William Shakespeare, Anthony and Cleopatra, 1.5
    • William Shakespeare, Anthony and Cleopatra, 5.2
    • William Shakespeare, Coriolanus, 1.4
    • William Shakespeare, Coriolanus, 3.2
    • William Shakespeare, King Lear, 2.4
    • William Shakespeare, As You Like It, 3.2
    • William Shakespeare, As You Like It, 4.1
    • William Shakespeare, The Comedy of Errors, 4.3
    • William Shakespeare, Cymbeline, 5.5
    • William Shakespeare, The First Part of Henry IV, 3.1
    • William Shakespeare, A Midsummer Night's Dream, 5.1
    • William Shakespeare, Richard II, 2.3
    • William Shakespeare, Richard II, 3.2
    • William Shakespeare, Twelfth Night, Or what you will, 1.5
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