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set against, make an attack upon MND. III. ii. 146; set apart, discard John III. i. 159 “all reverence set apart To him, and his usurp'd authority” ; set by, (1) put on one side Ham. V. ii. 298; (2) not to dwell upon, pass over Meas. V. i. 93 “to set the needless process by, How” . . .; set down, (1) “set down the pegs,” lower the pitch of the strings of a musical instrument Oth. II. i. 203 “I'll set down the pegs that make this music” ; (2) appoint or fix a time for R2 IV. i. 319 “On Wednesday next we solemnly set down Our coronation,” R3 III. iv. 42 “We have not yet set down this day of triumph” ; (3) determine upon, settle 1H4 I. iii. 274 “ruminated, plotted and set down,” Cor. IV. v. 144 “set down . . . thine own ways,” Ham. III. i. 178; (4) be encamped Ant. III. xi. [xiii.] 168 “Cæsar sets down in Alexandria”; set down before, lay siege to, besiege All'sW. I. i. 131, Cor. I. ii. 28, V. iii. 2, Mac. V. iv. 11; set forth, (1) exhibit, show Mac. I. iv. 6 “set forth A deep repentance” ; (2) commend highly Mer.V. III. v. 96 “I'll set you forth” (with a ref. to serving up dishes), Lucr. 32 “To set forth that which is so singular” ; set forward, start on a journey, set out John IV. iii. 19; set off, (1) show to the best advantage Tp. III. i. 2, Cym. I. vi. 170; absol. III. iii. 13; (2) put out of consideration 2H4 IV. i. 145*; set on, (1) cause (an action) by one's instigation Oth. II. iii. 212, V. ii. 185 “your reports have set the murder on” ; (2) put (one's foot) forward Cæs. II. i. 331; send (an army) forward IV. iii. 305, V. iii. 108; (3) intr. to go forward, march 2H4 I. iii. 109, H8 II. iv. 239, Cym. V. v. 485 “Set on there” ; (4) proceed, go on Cor. III. i. 57*, Cæs. I. ii. 11 “Set on; and leave no ceremony out” ; set to, set (a limb), 1H4 V. i. 133; set up,=“set on” (1) Cym. III. iv. 90 “thou that didst set up My disobedience gainst . . . my father.”
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  • Cross-references in text-specific dictionaries from this page (2):
    • William Shakespeare, Anthony and Cleopatra, 3.11
    • William Shakespeare, Anthony and Cleopatra, 3.13
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