The names of such countries as I Anthony Jenkinson have
travelled unto, from the second of October 1546, at
which time I made my first voyage out of England,
untill the yeere of our Lord 1572, when I returned last
out of Russia
FIRST, I passed into Flanders, and travelled through all
the base countries, and from thence through Germanie,
passing over the Alpes
I travelled into Italy
, and from
thence made my journey through Piemont into France,
throughout all which realme I have throughly journied.
I have also travelled through the kingdomes of Spaine
and Portingal, I have sailed through the Levant
every way, & have bene in all the chiefe Islands within
the same sea, as Rhodes, Malta
, Sicilia
, Cyprus
, Candie,
and divers others.
I have bene in many partes of Grecia
, Morea
, Achaia,
and where the olde citie of Corinth
I have travelled through a great part of Turkie, Syria
and divers other countries in Asia minor.
I have passed over the mountaines of Libanus to
, and travelled through Samaria
, Galile, Philistine or Palestine
, unto Jerusalem, and so through all the
Holy Land.
I have bene in divers places of Affrica, as Algiers
, Cola,
, Tripolis, the gollet within the gulfe of Tunis
I have sailed farre Northward within the Mare glaciale,
where we have had continuall day, and sight of the Sunne
ten weekes together, and that navigation was in Norway
, Samogitia, and other very strange places.
I have travelled through all the ample dominions of the
Emperour of Russia and Moscovia, which extende from
North sea, and the confines of Norway
and Lapland
even to the Mare Caspium.
I have bene in divers countries neere about the
sea, Gentiles, and Mahomeans, as Cazan, Cremia
, Rezan,
Cheremisi, Mordoviti, Vachin, Nagaia, with divers others
of strange customes and religions.
I have sailed over the
Caspian sea, & discovered all the
regions thereabout adjacent, as Chircassi, Comul, Shascal,
Shirvan, with many others.
I have travelled 40 daies journey beyond the said sea,
towards the Oriental India, and Cathaia, through divers
deserts and wildernesses, and passed through 5 kingdomes
of the Tartars, and all the land of Turkeman and Zagatay,
and so to the great citie of Boghar in Bactria
, not without
great perils and dangers sundry times.
After all this, in An. 1562, I passed againe over the
Caspian sea another way, and landed in Armenia
, at a
citie called Derbent, built by Alexander the great, & from
thence travelled through Media, Parthia
, Hircania, into
Persia to the court of the great Sophie called Shaw
Tamasso, unto whom I delivered letters from the Queenes
majestie, and remained in his court 8 moneths, and returning
homeward, passed through divers other countries. Finally
I made two voyages more after that out of England into
, the one in the yeere 1566, and the other in the
yeere 1571. And thus being weary and growing old, I
am content to take my rest in mine owne house, chiefly
comforting my selfe, in that my service hath bene honourably accepted and rewarded of her majestie and the rest
by whom I have bene imploied.