The booke made by the right worshipful M. Robert Thorne in the yeere 1527. in Sivil, to Doctour Ley, Lord ambassadour for king Henry the eight, to Charles the Emperour, being an information of the parts of the world, discovered by him and the king of Portingal: and also of the way to the Moluccaes by the North.
RIGHT noble and reverend in &c.
I have received your
letters, and have procured and sent to know of your
servant, who, your Lordship wrote, should be sicke in
Merchena. I cannot there or els where heare of him,
without he be returned to you, or gone to S. Lucar, and
shipt. I cannot judge but that of some contagious sicknesse hee died, so that the owner of the house for
defaming his house would bury him secretly, and not
be knowen of it. For such things have often times
happened in this countrey.
Also to write unto your Lordshippe of the new trade
of Spicery of the Emperour, there is no doubt but that
the Islands are fertile of Cloves, Nutmegs, Mace, and
Cinnamom: and that the said Islands, with other there
about, abound with golde, Rubies, Diamondes, Balasses,
Granates, Jacincts, and other stones & pearles, as all
other lands, that are under and neere the Equinoctiall.
For we see, where nature giveth any thing, she is no
nigard. For as with us and other, that are aparted
from the said Equinoctiall, our mettals be Lead, Tinne,
and Iron, so theirs be Gold, Silver, and Copper. And
as our fruits and graines bee Apples, Nuts, and Corne,
so theirs be Dates, Nutmegs, Pepper, Cloves, and other
Spices. And as we have Jeat, Amber, Cristall, Jasper,
and other like stones, so have they Rubies, Diamonds,
Balasses, Saphyres, Jacincts, and other like. And though
some say that of such precious mettals, graines, or kind
of spices, and precious stones, the abundance and
quantity is nothing so great, as our mettals, fruits or
stones above rehearsed: yet if it be well considered, how
the quantitie of the earth under the Equinoctiall to both
the Tropicall lines, (in which space is found the sayd
Golde, spices and precious stones) is as much in quantity,
as almost all the earth from the Tropickes to both the
Poles; it cannot be denied but there is more quantity of
the sayd mettals, fruites, spices, and precious stones,
then there is of the other mettals and other things before
rehearsed. And I see that the preciousnes of these things
is measured after the distance that is between us, and
the things that we have appetite unto. For in this
navigation of the Spicerie was discovered, that these
Islands nothing set by golde, but set more by a knife
and a nayle of iron, then by his quantitie of Golde: and
with reason, as the thing more necessary for mans
service. And I doubt not but to them should be as
precious our corne and seedes, if they might have them,
as to us their spices: & likewise the pieces of glasse
that here we have counterfeited are as precious to them,
as to us their stones: which by experience is seene daylie
by them that have trade thither. This of the riches of
those countries is sufficient.
Touching that your Lordship wrote, whether it may
bee profitable to the Emperor or no? it may be without
doubt of great profite: if, as the king of Portingal doth,
he would become a merchant, and provide shippes and
their lading, and trade thither alone, and defend the
trade of these Islands for himselfe. But other greater
businesse withholdeth him from this. But still, as now
it is begunne to be occupied, it would come to much.
For the shippes comming in safetie, there would thither
many every yere, of which to the Emperour is due of all
the wares and jewels that come from thence the fift part
for his custome cleare without any cost. And besides
this hee putteth in every flote a certaine quantitie of
money, of which hee enjoyeth of the gaines pound and
pounds like as other adventurers doe. In a fleete of
three shippes and a Caravel that went from this citie
armed by the marchants of it, which departed in
last past, I and my partener have one thousand foure
hundred duckets that we employed in the sayd fleete,
principally for that two English men, friends of mine,
which are somewhat learned in
Cosmographie, should
goe in the same shippes, to bring me certaine relation
of the situation of the countrey, and to be expert in the
navigation of those seas, and there to have informations
of many other things, and advise that I desire to knowe
especially. Seeing in these quarters are shippes, and
mariners of that countrey, and cardes by which they saile,
though much unlike ours, that they should procure to
have the said cards, and learne how they understand
them, and especially to know what navigation they have
for those
Islands Northwards, and Northeastward.
For if from the sayd Islands the sea did extend, without
interposition of land, to saile from the North point to
the Northeast poynt one thousand seven hundred or one
thousand eight hundred leagues, they should come to
the New found Islands that we discovered, and so we
should be neerer to the sayd Spicerie by almost two
thousand leagues then the Emperour, or the king of
Portingal are. And to advise your Lordship whether
of these Spiceries of the king of Portingal or the
Emperours is neerer, and also of the titles that either
of them hath, and howe our New found lands are parted
from it, (for that by writing without some demonstration,
it were hard to give any declaration of it) I have caused
that your Lordship shall receive herewith a little Mappe
or Carde of the world: the which, I feare me, shall put
your Lordship to more labour to understand, then me
to make it, onely for that it is made in so litle roome
that it cannot be but obscurely set out, that is desired
to be seene in it, and also for that I am in this science
little expert: Yet to remedy in part this difficulty, it is
necessary to declare to your Lordship my intent, with
which I trust you shall perceive in this Card part of your
desire, if, for that I cannot expresse mine intent, with
my declaration I doe not make it more obscure.
First, your Lordship knoweth that the Cosmographers have divided the earth by 360 degrees in latitude, and as many in longitude, under the which is comprehended all the roundnes of the earth: the latitude being divided into foure quarters, ninetie degrees amount to every quarter, which they measure by the altitude of the Poles,
that is the North and South starres, being from the line
Equinoctiall till they come right under the North starre
the said ninetie degrees: and as much from the sayd line
Equinoctiall to the South starre be other ninety degrees.
And as much more is also from either of the sayd starres
agayne to the Equinoctiall. Which imagined to bee
round, is soone perceived thus, 360 degrees of latitude
to be consumed in the said foure quarters of ninetie
degrees a quarter: so that this latitude is the measure
of the worlde from North to South, and from South to
North. And the longitude, in which are also counted
other 360, is counted from West to East, or from East
to West, as in the Card is set.
The sayd latitude your Lordship may see marked and divided in the ende of this Card on the left hand: so that if you would know in what degrees of latitude any region or coast standeth, take a compasse, and set the one foot of the same in the Equinoctial line right against the said region, & apply the other foote of the compasse to the said region or coast, & then set the sayd compasse at the end of the Card, where the degrees are divided. And the one foote of the compasse standing in the line Equinoctial, the other will shew in the scale the degrees of altitude or latitude that the said region is in. Also the longitude of the world I have set out in the nether part of the Card, conteining also 360 degrees: which begin to be counted after Ptoleme and other Cosmo
graphers from an headland called Capo Verde, which is
over against a little crosse made in the part Occidental,
where the division of the degrees beginneth, and endeth
in the same Capo Verde.
Now to know in what longitude any land is, your
Lordship must take a ruler or a compasse, and set the
one foot of the compasse upon the land or coast whose
longitude you would know, and extend the other foot of
the compasse to the next part of one of the transversall
lines in the Orientall or Occidental part: which done,
set the one foot of the compasse in the said transversal
line at the end of the nether scale, the scale of longitude,
and the other foot sheweth the degree of longitude that
the region is in. And your Lordship must understand
that this Card, though little, conteineth the universall
whole world betwixt two collaterall lines, the one in the
Occidentall part descendeth perpendicular upon the 175
degree, & the other in the Orientall on the 170 degree,
whose distance measureth the scale of longitude. And
that which is without the two said transversall lines, is
onely to shew how the Orientall part is joined with the
Occident, and Occident with the Orient. For that that
is set without the line in the Oriental part, is the same
that is set within the other line in the Occidentall part:
and that that is set without the line in the Occidentall
part, is the same that is set within the line in the Orientall
part, to shew that though this figure of the world in
plaine or flatte seemeth to have an end, yet one imagining
that this sayd Card were set upon a round thing, where
the endes should touch by the lines, it would plainely
appeare howe the Orient part joyneth with the Occident,
as there without the lines it is described and figured.
And for more declaration of the said Card, your
Lordship shall understand, that beginning on the part
Occidental within the line, the first land that is set out,
is the maine land and
Islands of the Indies of the
Emperour. Which maine land or coast goeth Northward, and finisheth in the land that we found, which is
called here Terra de Labrador. So that it appeareth
the sayd land that we found, and the Indies to be all
one maine land.
The sayd coast from the sayd Indies Southward, as
by the Card your Lordshippe may see, commeth to a
certaine straight Sea, called Estrecho de todos Santos:
by which straight Sea the Spaniards goe to the Spiceries,
as I shall declare more at large: the which straight Sea
is right against three hundred fifteene degrees of longitude, and is of latitude or altitude from the Equinoctiall
three and fifty degrees. The first land from the sayd
beginning of the Card toward the Orient are certaine
Islands of the Canaries, and Islandes of Capo verde.
But the first maine land next to the line Equinoctial
is the sayd Capo verde, and from thence Northward by
the straight of this
sea of Italie. And so followeth
Spayne, France, Flanders, Almaine, Denmarke, and
, which is the highest parte toward the North.
And over against Flanders are our
Islands of England
and Ireland
. Of the landes and coastes within the
streights I have set out onely the Regions, dividing
them by lines of their limits, by which plainely I thinke
your Lordship may see, in what situation everie region
is, and of what highnesse, and with what regions it is
joyned. I doe thinke few are left out of all Europe. In
the parts of Asia and Affrica I could not so wel make
the sayd divisions: for that they be not so wel knowen,
nor need not so much. This I write because in the said
Card be made the said lines & strikes, that your Lordship should understand wherefore they doe serve. Also
returning to the foresaid Capo verde, the coast goeth
Southward to a Cape called Capo de buona speransa:
which is right over against the 60. & 65. degree of
longitude. And by this Cape go the Portingals to their
Spicerie. For from this Cape toward the Orient, is the
land of Calicut
, as your Lordship may see in the headland
over against the 130. degree. From the sayd
Cape of
Buona speransa the coast returneth toward the line
Equinoctial, and passing forth entreth the
red sea, &
returning out, entreth again into the gulfe of Persia,
and returneth toward the Equinoctiall line, till that it
commeth to the headland called Calicut
aforesayd, and
from thence the coast making a gulfe, where is the river
of Ganges, returneth toward the line to a headland called
Malaca, where is the principall Spicerie: & from this
Cape returneth and maketh a great gulfe, and after the
coast goeth right toward the Orient, and over against
this last gulfe and coast be many Islands, which be
Islandes of the Spiceries of the Emperour. Upon which
the Portingals and he be at variance.
The sayd coast goeth toward the Orient, and endeth
right against the 155. degrees, and after returneth toward
the Occident Northward: which coast not yet plainely
knowen, I may joine to the New found lande found by
us, that I spake of before. So that I finish with this
briefe declaration of the Card aforesayd. Well I know
I should also have declared how the coasts within the
straights of the
Sea of Italie runne. It is playne that
passing the streights on the North side of that Sea after
the coast of Granado, and with that which pertaines to
Spaine, is the coast of that which France hath in Italie
And then followeth in one piece all Italie
, which land
hath an arme of the Sea, with a gulfe which is called
Mare Adriaticum. And in the bottome of this gulfe is
the citie of Venice. And on the other part of the sayd
gulfe is Sclavonia, and next Grecia
, then the streits of
Constantinople, and then the sea called Euxinus, which
is within the sayd streights: and comming out of the
sayd streights, followeth Turcia major (though now on
both sides it is called Turcia.) And so the coast runneth
Southward to Syria
, and over against the sayd Turcia
are the
Islands of Rhodes, Candie, and Cyprus
. And
over against Italie
are the
Islands of Sicilia and Sardinia
And over against Spaine is Majorca
and Minorca
. In
the ende of the gulfe of Syria
is Judea
. And from thence
returneth the coast toward the Occident, till it commeth
to the streights where we began, which all is the coast
of Affrike and Barbarie. Also your Lordship shall understand that the coastes of the Sea throughout all the world,
I have coloured with yellow, for that it may appeare that
all that is within the line coloured yellow, is to be
imagined to be maine land or Islands: and all without
the line so coloured to bee Sea: whereby it is easie and
light to know it. Albeit in this little roome any other
description would rather have made it obscure then cleere.
And the sayd coasts of the Sea are all set justly after
the maner and forme as they lie, as the navigation
approveth them throughout all the Card, save onely the
coastes and
Isles of the Spicerie of the Emperour which
is from over against the 160. to the 215. degrees of
longitude, For these coastes and situations of the Islands,
every of the Cosmographers and pilots of Portingal &
Spayne do set after their purpose. The Spaniards more
towards the Orient, because they should appeare to
appertain to the Emperour: & the Portingals more
toward the Occident, for that they should fal within their
jurisdiction. So that the pilots and navigants thither,
which in such cases should declare the truth, by their
industrie do set them falsly every one to favour his prince.
And for this cause can be no certaine situation of that
coast and Islands, till this difference betwixt them be
verified. Now to come to the purpose of your Lordships
demaund touching the difference between the Emperour
and the king of Portingal, to understand it better, I must
declare the beginning of this discoverie. Though peradventure your Lordship may say that in that I have
written ought of purpose, I fall in the proverbe, A gemino
ovo bellum: But your Lordship commanded me to be
large, and I take licence to be prolixious, and shalbe
peradventure tedious, but your Lordship knoweth that
Nihil ignorantia verbosius.
In the yeere 1484 the king of Portingal minded to
arme certaine Carvels to discover this Spicerie. Then
forasmuch as he feared that being discovered, every other
prince woulde sende and trade thither, so that the cost
and perill of discovering should be his, and the profite
common: wherefore first hee gave knowledge of this his
minde to all princes Christened, saying that hee would
seeke amongst the infidels newe possessions of regions,
and therefore would make a certaine armie: and that
if any of them would helpe in the cost of the sayd armie,
he should enjoy his part of the profite or honour that
should come of it. And as then this discovering was
holden for a strange thing and uncertaine. Nowe they
say, that all the Princes of Christendome answered, that
they would be no part of such an armie, nor yet of the
profit that might come of it. After the which he gave
knowledge to the Pope of his purpose, and of the answere
of all the Princes, desiring him that seeing that none
would helpe in the costes, that he would judge all that
should bee found and discovered to be of his jurisdiction,
and commannd that none other princes should intermeddle
therewith. The Pope sayd not as Christ saith, Quis me
constituit judicem inter vos? He did not refuse, but
making himselfe as Lord and Judge of all, not onely
granted that all that should be discovered from Orient
to Occident, should be the kings of Portingal, but also,
that upon great censures no other Prince should discover
but he. And if they did, all to bee the kings of Portingal.
So he armed a fleete, and in the yeere 1497 were discovered the
Islands of Calicut, from whence is brought
all the spice he hath.
After this in the yere 1492 the king of Spaine willing
to discover lands toward the Occident without making
any such diligence, or taking licence of the king of
Portingal, armed certaine Carvels, and then discovered
this India Occidentall, especially two Islands of the sayd
India, that in this Card I set forth, naming the one la
Dominica, and the other Cuba
, and brought certaine
golde from thence. Of the which when the king of
Portingal had knowledge, he sent to the king of Spaine,
requiring him to give him the sayd Islands. For that
by the sentence of the Pope all that should be discovered
was his, and that hee should not proceede further in the
discoverie without his licence. And at the same time
it seemeth that out of Castil into Portingal had gone for
feare of burning infinite number of Jewes that were
expelled out of Spaine, for that they would not turne
to be Christians, and carried with them infinite number
of golde and silver. So that it seemeth that the king
of Spaine answered, that it was reason that the king
of Portingal asked, and that to be obedient to that which
the Pope had decreed, he would give him the sayd
of the Indies. Nowe for as much as it was decreed
betwixt the sayde kings, that none should receive the
others subjects fugitives, nor their goods, therfore the
king of Portingal should pay and returne to the king of
Spaine a million of golde or more, that the Jewes had
caryed out of Spaine to Portingal, & that in so doing
he would give these Islands, and desist from any more
discovering. And not fulfilling this, he would not onely
not give these Islands, but procure to discover more
where him thought best. It seemeth that the king of
Portingal would not, or could not with his ease pay this
money. And so not paying, that he could not let the
king of Spaine to discover: so that he enterprised not
toward the Orient where he had begun & found the
Spicerie. And consented to the king of Spaine, that
touching this discovering they should divide the worlde
betweene them two. And that all that should be discovered from
Cape Verde, where this Card beginneth
to be counted in the degrees of longitude, to 180 of the
sayd scale of longitude, which is halfe the world toward
the Orient, & finisheth in this Card right over against
a litle crosse made at the said 180 degrees, to be the
king of Portingals. And all the land from the said
Crosse towarde the Occident, untill it joyneth with the
other Crosse in the Orient, which conteineth the other
hundreth and eightie degrees, that is the other halfe of
the worlde, to be the king of Spaines. So that from the
land over against the said hundreth & eighty degrees
untill it finish in the three hundred and sixtie on both
the ends of the Card, is the jurisdiction of the king of
Spaine. So after this maner they divided the world
betweene them.
Now for that these
Islands of Spicery fall neere the
terme and limites betweene these princes (for as by the
sayd Card you may see they begin from one hundred
and sixtie degrees of longitude, and ende in 215) it
seemeth all that falleth from 160 to 180 degrees, should
be of Portingal: and all the rest of Spaine. And for
that their Cosmographers and Pilots coulde not agree in
the situation of the sayde Islandes (for the Portingals
set them all within their 180 degrees, and the Spaniards
set them all without :) and for that in measuring, all the
Cosmographers of both partes, or what other that ever
have bene cannot give certaine order to measure the
longitude of the worlde, as they doe of the latitude: for
that there is no starre fixed from East to West, as are
the starres of the Poles from North to South, but all
mooveth with the mooving divine: no maner can bee
founde howe certainely it may bee measured, but by
conjectures, as the Navigants have esteemed the way
they have gone. But it is manifest that Spaine had the
situation of al the lands from
Cape Verde, toward the
Orient of ye Portingals to their 180 degrees. And in
all their Cardes they never hitherto set the saide Islands
within their limitation of the sayd 180 degrees, (though
they knewe very well of the Islands,) till now that the
Spaniards discovered them. And it is knowen that the
king of Portingal had trade to these Islands afore, but
would never suffer Portingal to go thither from Calicut
for so much as he knew that it fell out of his dominion:
least by going thither there might come some knowledge
of those other Islands of the king of Spaine, but bought
the cloves of Marchants of that countrey, that brought
them to Calicut
, much deerer then they would have cost,
if he had sent for them, thinking after this maner it
would abide alwayes secret. And now that it is discovered he sendes and keepes the Spaniards from the
trade all that he can.
Also it should seeme that when this foresaid consent
of the division of the worlde was agreed of betweene
them, the king of Portingal had already discovered
certaine Islandes that lie over against
Cape Verde, and
also certaine part of the maine land of India toward the
South, from whence he fette Brasill, and called it the
land of Brasil
. So for that all should come in his terme
and limites, hee tooke three hundred and seventie leagues
Cape Verde: and after this, his 180 degrees,
being his part of the worlde, should begin in the Carde
right over against the 340 degrees, where I have made
a little compasse with a crosse, and should finish at the
160 degree, where also I have made another little marke.
And after this computation without any controversie, the
Islands of the spicery fal out of the Portingals domination.
So that nowe the Spaniards say to the Portingals, that
if they would beginne their 180 degrees from the sayde
Cape Verde, to the intent they should extende more
toward the Orient, and so to touch those Islandes of the
Spicerie of the Emperour, which is al that is betweene
the two crosses made in this Card, that then the Islands
Cape Verde and the lande of Brasil
that the Portingals
nowe obtaine, is out of the sayd limitation, and that they
are of the Emperours. Or if their 180 degrees they count
from the 370 leagues beyond the said
Cape Verde, to
include in it the said Islands and lands of Brasil
, then
plainely appeareth the said 180 degrees should finish long
before they come to these
Islands of the Spicerie of the
Emperour: As by this Carde your Lordship may see.
For their limits should begin at the 340 degrees of this
Carde, and ende at the 160 degrees, where I have made
two little markes of the compasse with crosses in
So that plainely it should appeare by reason, that the
Portingals should leave these Islands of
Cape Verde and
land of Brasil
, if they would have part of the Spicerie of
the Emperours: or els holding these, they have no part
there. To this the Portingals say, that they will beginne
their 180 degrees from the selfe same
Cape Verde: for
that it may extende so much more toward the Orient,
and touch these Islandes of the Emperours: and would
winne these Islandes of
Cape Verde and land of Brasil
neverthelesse, as a thing that they possessed before the
consent of this limitation was made.
So none can verely tell which hath the best reason.
They be not yet agreed, Quare sub Judice lis est.
But without doubt (by all conjectures of reason) the
sayd Islands fall all without the limitation of Portingal,
and pertaine to Spaine, as it appeareth by the most part
of all the Cardes made by the Portingals, save those
which they have falsified of late purposely.
But now touching that your Lordship wrote, whether
that which we discovered toucheth any thing the foresayd
coastes: once it appeareth plainely, that the Newefound
land that we discovered, is all a maine land with the
Indies Occidentall, from whence the Emperour hath all
the gold and pearles: and so continueth of coast more
then 5000 leagues of length, as by this Carde appeareth.
For from the said New lands it proceedeth toward the
Occident to the Indies, and from the Indies returneth
toward the Orient, and after turneth Southward up till it
come to the Straits of Todos Santos, which I reckon to
be more then 5000 leagues.
So that to the Indias it should seeme that we have
some title, at least that for our discovering we might
trade thither as other doe. But all this is nothing neere
the Spicerie.
Now then if from the sayd New found lands the Sea
be navigable, there is no doubt, but sayling Northward
and passing the Pole, descending to the Equinoctial line,
we shall hit these Islands, and it should be a much shorter
way, then either the Spaniards or the Portingals have.
For we be distant from the Pole but thirty and nine
degrees, and from the Pole to the Equinoctiall be ninetie,
the which added together, bee an hundred twenty and
nine degrees, leagues 2489. and miles 7440: Where we
should find these Islands. And the Navigation of the
Spaniards to the Spicerie is, as by this Carde you may
see, from Spaine to the Islandes of Canarie, and from
these Islandes they runne over the line Equinoctiall
Southwarde to the Cape of the maine land of the Indians,
called the
Cape of Saint Augustine, and from this
Southwards to the straites of Todos Santos, in the which
navigation to the said straites is 1700. or 1800 leagues;
and from these Straites being past them, they returne
towarde the line Equinoctiall to the
Islands of Spicerie,
which are distant from the saide Straites 4200. or 4300.
The navigation of the Portingals to the said Islandes
is departing from Portingall Southward towarde the
Verde, and from thence to another Cape passing the
line Equinoctial called Capo de bona speransa, and from
Portingal to the Cape is 1800 leagues, and from this
Cape to the Islands of Spicerie of the Emperour is 2500.
So that this navigation amounteth all to 4300. leagues.
So that (as afore is sayd,) if between our New found
lands or Norway
, or Island, the seas toward the North
be navigable, we should goe to these Islands a shorter
way by more then 2000. leagues.
And though we went not to the sayd Islandes, for
that they are the Emperours or kings of Portingal, wee
shoulde by the way and comming once to the line
Equinoctiall, finde landes no lesse riche of golde and
Spicerie, as all other landes are under the sayd line
Equinoctiall: and also should, if we may passe under the
North, enjoy the navigation of all Tartarie. Which
should be no lesse profitable to our commodities of cloth,
then these Spiceries to the Emperour, and king of
Portingal. But it is a generall opinion of all Cosmographers, that
passing the seventh clime, the sea is all ice, and the
colde so much that none can suffer it. And hitherto
they had all the like opinion, that under the line Equinoctiall for much heate the land was unhabitable.
Yet since (by experience is proved) no land so much
habitable nor more temperate. And to conclude, I thinke
the same should be found under the North, if it were
experimented. For as all judge, Nihil fit vacuum in
rerum natura: So I judge, there is no land unhabitable,
nor Sea innavigable. If I should write the reason that
presenteth this unto me, I should be too prolixe, and
it seemeth not requisite for this present matter. God
knoweth that though by it I should have no great interest,
yet I have had and still have no litle mind of this
businesse: So that if I had facultie to my will, it should
be the first thing that I woulde understand, even to
attempt, if our Seas Northward be navigable to the Pole,
or no. I reason, that as some sickenesses are hereditarious, and come from the father to the sonne, so this
inclination or desire of this discoverie I inherited of my
father, which with another marchant of Bristow named
Hugh Eliot, were the discoverers of the New found
lands, of the which there is no doubt, (as nowe plainely
appeareth) if the mariners would then have bene ruled,
and followed their Pilots minde, the lands of the West
Indies (from whence all the gold commeth) had bene ours.
For all is one coast, as by the Carde appeareth, and is
Also in this Carde by the coastes where you see C.
your Lordship shall understand it is set for Cape or
headland, where I. for Iland, where P. for Port, where
R. for River. Also in all this little Carde I thinke
nothing be erred touching the situation of the land, save
onely in these
Ilands of Spicerie: which, for that (as
afore is sayd) every one setteth them after his minde,
there can be no certification how they stand. I doe not
denie, that there lacke many things, that a consummate
Carde should have, or that a right good demonstration
desireth. For there should be expressed all the mountaines and Rivers that are principall of name in the earth,
with the names of Portes of the sea, the names of all
principall cities, which all I might have set, but not in
this Carde, for the litle space would not consent.
Your Lordship may see that setting onely the names
almost of every Region, and yet not of all, the roome
is occupied. Many Islands are also left out, for the said
lack of roome, the names almost of all Portes put to
silence, with the roses of the windes or points of the
compasse: For that this is not for Pilots to sayle by,
but a summary declaration of that which your Lordship
commanded. And if by this your Lordship cannot wel
perceive the meaning of this Card, of the which I would
not marveile, by reason of the rude composition of it,
will it please your Lordship to advise mee to make a
bigger and a better Mappe, or els that I may cause one
to be made. For I know my selfe in this and all other
nothing perfect, but Licet semper discens, nunquam tamen
ad perfectam scientiam perveniens. Also I know, to set
the forme Sphericall of the world in Plano after the true
rule of Cosmographie, it would have bene made otherwise
then this is: howbeit the demonstration should not have
bene so plaine.
And also these degrees of longitude, that I set in the
lower part of this card, should have bin set along by the
line Equinoctiall, & so then must be imagined. For the
degrees of longitude neere either of the poles are nothing
equall in bignesse to them in the Equinoctiall. But these
are set so, for that setting them a long the Equinoctial,
it would have made obscure a great part of the map.
Many other curiosities may be required, which for the
nonce I did not set downe, as well for that the intent I
had principally was to satisfie your doubt touching the
spicerie, as for that I lack leasure and time. I trust
your Lordship correcting that which is erred, will accept
my good will, which is to doe any thing that I may in
your Lordships service. But from henceforth I knowe
your Lordship will rather commaund me to keepe silence,
then to be large, when you shall be wearied with the
reading of this discourse. Jesus prosper your estate and
Your Lordships
Robert Thorne 1527