A true relation of the voyage undertaken by Sir Anthony
Sherley Knight in Anno 1596. intended for the Ile of
San Tome, but performed to S. Iago, Dominica
, Margarita, along the coast of Tierra firma, to the Ile of
Jamaica, the bay of the Honduras
, 30 leagues up Rio
Dolce, and homewarde by Newfoundland
. With the
memorable exploytes atchieved in all this voyage.
WE departed from Hampton
the 23 of Aprill with nine
ships and a gallie. The Bevice Admirall being 300
tunnes, the Galeon Viceadmirall being 240 tunnes. The George Rereadmirall being 160 tunnes. The Archangel
being 250 tunnes. The Swanne 200 tunnes, the George
Noble being 140 tunnes, the Wolfe 70 tunnes, the Mermayde 120 tunnes, the Little John 40 tunnes the Galley
and a Pinnesse. All which ships we sufficiently victualled
and furnished for ten monethes, with all necessaries fit
for the voyage. They were also manned with souldiers
and saylers, exceeding well appointed with all furniture
necessarie for the intended purpose of our Generall to the
full number of 900. ratably & orderly distributed into
every ship. We arrived at
Plimmouth the 29 of Aprill,
where wee found the Right honourable Earle of Essex
readie for the attempt of his Cadiz Action, with whom
our Generall left three ships and 500 souldiers well victualed and furnished. So the 21 of May we departed from
Plimmouth with the Bevice, the Gallion, the George, the
George Noble, the Wolfe and the Galley and Pinnesse,
determining our voyage for the
Ile of S. Tome. But if
our whole force had remayned with us our Generals purpose was to have first sackt the
Madera Ile, and so to
have proceeded for S. Tome. The 27 of May we arrived
upon the coast of Spaine, coasting all the shore, hoping
to meete with some of the kings ships. From thence we
past in sight of the coast of Barbary, and came to Masagant, within shot of the Fort, which our Generall reported
to be an excellent fortification, where the Spaniard is in
strong garrison. And bending our course for the
Iles there purposing to water, our galley lost her rudder;
so our Generall directed the George Noble to goe for the
Ile Mogador, there to repaire the Gallies wants. Betweene which place and the Canarie lies we tooke a
fly-bote of two hundred tunnes bound for Brasill, having
nothing aboord her but some small portion of victuals
for their reliefe. The Captaine of this Flybote tooke
upon him to be a perfect Pilot of S. Tome, and willingly
consented to stay with us, being a Fleming
. Having
watered at the Canaries, by the counsell of this Fleming
we shaped our course for the
Iles of Cape Verde, he assuring us that we should there meet the fleete of Saint Tome,
for the yeere was so farre past, that we knewe they were
all departed from S. Tome.
The first of July we fell with the
Isle Maio, where wee
saw small hope of any fleete to bee expected, & therefore
departed for
Cape Verde, the appointed place for the
George noble to meete us: where we arrived the fift of
July, and there found him. And so instantly we proceeded for our voyage, because the yeere was farre spent.
At this place most unfortunately our General fell exceeding sicke, and we wanting water were enforced to goe
with a place named Pescadores
in 10 degrees of North
latitude, where we had many skirmishes with the barbarous Negros. Our Generall now hopelesse of life, and
we all dismayed and comfortlesse through that his exceeding extremity, having his memory very perfit, he called
all his Captaines, Masters, and officers unto him, unto
whom he made a very pithie and briefe speech, tending
to this purpose: That as we were Christians and all
baptised and bred up under one and the true faith, so
wee should live together like Christians in the feare and
service of God: And as we were the subjects of our most
excellent sovereigne, and had vowed obedience unto her:
so we should tend all our courses to the advancement of
her dignity, and the good of our countrey, and not to
enter into any base or unfit actions. And because we
came for his love into this action that for his sake we
would so love together as if himselfe were still living with
us, and that we would follow (as our chiefe commander)
him, unto whom under his hand he would give commission to succeede himselfe: all which with solemne protestation we granted to obey. Then for that the yere was
past, and finding the cost of Guynea most tempestuous,
hee saw in reason that the bay of Æthiopia would be our
utter overthrow, and infect us all to death: whereupon
he advised us to be respective of our selves, and to divert
our purpose from S. Tome, either for Brasil
or the West
India, yeelding many reasons that it was our best course:
but we all with one voice desired to proceede for S. Tome.
And so departing from this contagious filthy place, we
directed our course for S. Tome, but could by no means
double the sholds of Madrabomba, but very dangerously
ran into shold water, still hoping of the best. In fine we
were enforced to beare up & take some other course; for
the time wasted, our men fell sicke, and the coast was
contagious alwayes raging & tempestuous. The water
falling from the heavens did stinke, and did in 6 houres
turne into maggots where it fell either among our clothes,
or in wads of Ocombe
So by a general consent it was held to be our best
course to goe for the West India; & so much the rather,
because we had good pilots for that place, who undertooke
more then was after performed. So we bent our course
for the Isles of
Cape Verde, & arriving at the
Isle of
S. Iago the 30 of August, we presently landed at Praia
where we found a smal barke in the rode laden with wine
and meale.
After we were departed from this vile coast of Guyny
our Generall to our great comforts began to recover
strength; so that being now at Praia
, he was able to
land with us. In our landing the people made a shew
of great resistance, but we entred the towne without
hindrance, being a very pretie towne, having a small fort
in it, with 6 or 8 cast pieces.
Being here on shore, and finding nothing left in the
towne, divers of our company were very importunate with
our Generall, that he would go to the citie of S. Iago
being 6 miles off: through their importunitie he yeelded
consent, and so we marched towards the citie with 280
souldiers. As we passed by the Negros and herdsmen,
they would crie unto us Guarda
S. Iago. That night we
lost our way, & lay under a hedge. The next morning
the Ordinance of S. Iago was shot off to give us notice
where the towne was: so wee marched towards it at the
breake of the day. The countrey then being all spred
over with people made shew of feare only to draw us into
the town: but we farther marched with our colours flying
by the drumme. The gentelmen would come gallopping
by us and viewing us very much. But when we came in
sight of the towne, we could see no way how to get into
it, but by one little path downe a very steepe hill, only
man by man to go downe. The strength and situation
of this towne was sufficient to have danted a man of very
good courage, for it standeth between two steepe cliffes
strongly housed, & three exceeding good forts commanding the whole, the chiefest and best standing upon the
top of the hill right over the towne: so that from thence
with muskets they command every streete, the other 2
forts standing by the waters side, all three commanding
the rode, and these two every streete in the towne. Upon
the front of the towne the sea beateth, the rest standeth
betweene two mighty cliffes, not accessible but by one
small path, by which wee were enforced to goe. Our
Generall seeing himselfe thus straighted, and perceiving
the drift of the Portugals was to draw him into this
trench, and knowing wel that he could not returne as we
came, by reason of many straights and advantageable
places, with an excellent resolution (like unto himselfe)
cryed out, all courage my hearts: assure your selves that
the device of the Portugals shall serve our turne this day;
for they will suffer us quietly to passe downe into their
supposed trappe, and then will pursue us, then which
nothing can happen better. The day is ours now shew
your selves as I know you will: and so presently we
descended into the trench. And being downe the enemy
pursued with a mightie crie, and all the cliffes on both
sides were beset full of men; shot, and stones we wanted
none from them on every side in great plenty; for this
naturall trench was not halfe a musket shot over. Those
that attempted our Rereward by our Generals policie were
so received that they made a stand, and never more came
neere us. We had now halfe a mile to the towne, into
the which when wee came, wee were received with the
streetes full of souldiers, who joyned with us at the push
of the pike. But their captaine and divers of them being
slaine (feare possessing them) they fled: and our Generall
pursuing with such furious speede, did so dismay them
that they fled the towne, and the third of August we
possessed both the lower forts.
Being now masters of the towne, we presently by the
Generals direction (whose skill, spirit, and diligence can
never have sufficient commendation) baricadoed up all the
streets, and brought our selves into a very convenient
strength. After we had bene sixe houres in the towne
the Portugals still comming in great multitudes to the
upper fort, began to sally downe upon us, and to assault
us at every baricado: so that in the first assault they
slew and wounded eighty of our men, to our very great
weakening. But they had small cause of triumph, for
their losse was thrise more then ours: but they still
prosecuted their assault, not giving us time either to
sleepe or eate, so that we were in exceeding extremitie;
for their forces did dayly increase to the number of three
thousand persons: but we dayly lost of our poore number.
Whilest we were thus keeping the towne, our ships came
about unto us, who received many dangerous shot from
the upper castle. Our Generall finding himselfe thus
streighted, & discreetely looking into the policie and
strength of the enemy, and scarse able to defend any one
assault more, sent to the forts and to his ships that about
ten of the clocke in the darke of the night they should
shoote at the upper fort with all possible diligence, and
send all the boates ashore, which was accordingly perfourmed. And wee likewise keeping a tumult in the
towne, the enemie supposing that our purpose was to
assault the upper fort, (which God knowes was most impregnable for us) retyred from their plotted purpose for
the defence thereof. So we in a souldierlike order with
very good safety departed the towne, although the Portugals having espied our Generals policie came very furiously
upon the backe of us, after we had kept it two dayes and
two nights.
In the rode of S. Iago we tooke a ship with wine and
cloth, which did greatly refresh our men. From hence
we sayled to an Isle called Fuego, being a very small
Isle, with a very high hill in the midst of it, which continually burneth: this Isle is invincible by nature, high
cliffed round about, yet by diligent search we found a
small path where wee landed our men with exceeding
much difficulty, and so were masters of the Isle the
eleventh of September, where wee tooke in water, but
the Isle yeelded us nothing but miserable infection. One
night wee had a showre of ashes which fell so thicke
into our ships from that burning hill of Fuego, that you
might write your name with your finger upon the upper
Departing from this place the twentieth of September,
we shaped our course for Dominica an Isle in the West
India: but before we came thither our men fell generally
downe, so that the hole could not relieve the sicke, the
disease was so vile that men grew lothsome unto them
selves, franticke and desperately raving, among whom
our good Generals part was not the least; for his disease
was vehement, the griefe of his mind, the lamentation of
his men, and the losse of those whom he loved were to
him torments more then durable: all which with patience
and humilitie in prayer he humbled himselfe unto. But
had not his mind bene invincible and his desires above
the ordinary course of men, it had bene impossible that
life should now have rested in him: but God (I hope)
hath preserved him to some exceeding good purpose.
Arriving at Dominica the seventeenth of October, with
all our men sicke and feeble, wee found there two hote
bathes, wherein our weake men washing themselves were
greatly comforted: and the Indians of this place used us
with great kindnesse, so that we were all perfectly well
before we departed from this place. For here we stayed
untill the 25 of November. From Dominica we sayled
to Margarita, betweene the Isle and the maine, thinking
to meete with the perle dredgers, but wee found them
not. And comming to the point of Araia in the road of
, we sawe a Flemish ship riding; the marchant
and men whereof came aboord us, and brought with them
my lord Admirals passe. By which meanes our General
would in no sort meddle with them, yet they were very
rich. Departing thence by
Cape Coadera, going for Cape
de la Vela at the
Isle Buenaire our Fliboat was cast away,
& some of the men lost, but the most part saved. Coasting all the shore from Cape de la Vela, being bound for
S. Martha, we tooke a small frigat laden with Guiny
corne, the eleventh of September: she had in her money
to the valew of 500 pound, linnen cloth and China
all which our General bestowed upon his company to
comfort them after their long sustained miseries: Out of
which frigat we had 2 good pilots for those coasts: for
our pilot, that promised many things before we came
thither, was now absent in the Woolfe, who, we thinke,
did wilfully loose us. Arriving at S. Martha, two leagues
West from the towne in a faire bay, we landed the 12 of
September, & so marched to the towne being often times
encountred by the way, and in a narrow way at our
descent downe a hill, they had placed two cast pieces of
brasse, which we recovered, and so entred the towne, the
enemie flying before us. While we abode in this towne,
there came one Don Martin de Castilla, a gentleman of
good education and a very great traveller, who knew the
whole state of the West India, Malucos, & Philippinas:
he had bene in China
, and made many relations to our
Generall, his purpose was to save the towne from burning,
wherin he prevailed, but ransome I know of none we had:
for this gentleman made many great protestations of
great poverty to be in that place. So wee departed, onely
taking their ordinance, and a prisoner lost there by sir
Francis Drake, with some reliefe of victuals. Having
stayed there al the time of Christmas, we departed thence
on Newyeres day, with termes of great content to our
General in the Spaniards great submission unto him, for
they were now within a league of us with 700 souldiers.
And being challenged by him to defend their towne like
men of worth, they did notwithstanding intreat favour
with great humilitie. Whilest we were at S. Martha, the
Wolfe came againe unto us: so wee shaped our course
for Jamaica
, and missing the rode, were constrained to
saile round about the Isle, a thing not before done. In
this place the Wolfe absolutely againe forsooke us with
the smal barke that we tooke at S. Iago, and returned for
with hard newes of our ruine, but by Gods
favourable help wee arrived in the road of Jamaica
29 of January, which is very dangerous to enter by reason
of the sholds and rocks that lie before it. Here we landed
and marched 6 miles into the countrey, where the towne
standeth; the people all on horsebacke made shew of
great matters, but did nothing. Now being masters of
the towne and whole Isle, the people submitted themselves
to our Generals mercy: and here they provided for us
great store of dried beefe, and Cassavi meale, a base food,
yet the best that the countrey yeeldeth, to continue at
sea. This Isle is a marveilous fertil Isle, & is as a garden
or store house for divers parts of the maine. It is full
of plaine champion ground, which in the rest of the Indies
we have not seene: it aboundeth with beeves and Cassavi,
besides most pleasant fruits of divers sorts. We have
not found in the Indies a more pleasant and holsome
place. During the time that we remained in this Isle
the captaine of the Isle came often aboord us, we having
pledges for the security of their promise. They were in
fine at our Generals devotion, to dispose of al things, and
in all things as he pleased, so that now we were as one
people & in one peace together. Being almost ready to
depart, M. captaine Parker of Plimmouth came into the
rode in his ships boat the second of March, with whom
our Generall consorted to goe for the bay of Honduras
where by his perswasion we had great hope of a very good
voyage. And departing from Jamaica
the 6 of March,
we sailed to
Cape de Corrientes in Cuba
, to looke for a
barke of M. Parkers for our better strength: but not
finding her, we went for the cape of Honduras
, where we
purposed to entrap the watch, & so to sacke the towne
of Truxillo, but the watch discovering us, made great
fires, and the towne presently shot off a great piece, and
answered with fires. Notwithstanding the next day being
the 31 of March we brought our ships under the fort,
and landed our men, but it was a vaine purpose: for the
towne is not to be taken but by exceeding multitudes, for
it is invincible by nature. It standeth upon the top of a
very steepe hill, bordering close to the sea: so environed
with woods of such exceeding thicknes, that there is no
passage among the trees, which if they were gone, yet
there is no climbing up the hill, only having one narrow
lane to go into the towne; at the end whereof is a great
gate very strongly fortified, so that it is not to be
approched unto, so that with the losse of some few men,
we retired from this enterprise, being altogether impossible to be atchieved by our few and weake men.
We departed from Truxillo the second of April and
went for Puerto de Cavallos lower down in the bay, stil
nourishing our hope of good successe: and comming
thither found it reasonably fortified, but wee presently
prevailed and tooke it the 7 of April, being the most poore
and miserable place of all India
. Now our hopes were
all frustrate and no likelihood remayning how we could
by any meanes make a voyage: our General reserving
unto himselfe his silent inward impatience, laboured to
doe some memorable thing. And in fine concluded by
Rio Dolce to search with his boats some narrow passage
or Isthmos for the
South sea, alleaging that if hee could
but finde a boat there, it should serve him to great purpose; against which there could be no reasonable contradiction. All his chiefest sea men consented hereunto, but
especially the Captaine of the Admirall. So sayling with
the ships to Cape de tres puntas in the bottome of the
bay, there leaving the ships well mored the tenth of Aprill
he departed with his boats for
Rio Dolce, which in many
Charts hath his passage through the land. Up this river
by many uncertaine windings we passed 30 leagues and
better, where we found a strong built fort, a towne, and
divers store-houses: but for money or merchandize we
found none. Wee learned by the miserable people that
we tooke, that the
South sea was 20 leagues from the
nerest of that river, and that it was 50 leagues to Guatimala, 40 leagues to Sonsonate
, and 30 leagues to
Sacatocaluca, being townes which we hoped to march
unto: so that now we were in worse case then before:
for wee were fallen sicke with the unholsomenesse of this
ayre, and our victuals so wasted, as that we were desperate how to recover our countrey. Whereupon with most
unwilling minds we returned to our shipping, and with
all possible expedition weyed, & so laboured upon the
tacke to turne out of this very deepe bay, being 60 leagues
within the point of land. Being out of the bay, wee
shaped our course for
Cape S. Anthony. Our General,
whose restles spirit continually laboured to avoide the
frownes of fortune, had now plotted with the Bevice and
Galeon to goe for Newfoundland
, and there to revictual,
and to have fresh men, of which we stood in good assurance, & so to depart for the streits of Magellan, and so
by his very good policie would have concluded his voyage
in the East India, which plat I thinke it unnecessary here
to reveale, being put in principall trust by him.
Being thwart Havana
, by what chance I know not, but
all his ships forsooke him the 13 of May, and here in a
desperate place hee was left desperately alone. The George departed by consent with his letters, the Galeon
I know not how: but our misery in the Admirall was
very great, for there was not one in the ship that was
ever before in the Indies, besides our miserable want of
victuals, the danger of the place, and the furious current
of the chanel. Notwithstanding we were enforced without stay to disemboque: which happily being performed,
we shaped our course for Newfoundland
. And by Gods
mercy we arrived there the fifteenth of June, not having
one houres victuals to spare, and there by our countreymen we were well refreshed: where we stayed till the 24
of June, still expecting the Galeon, for the execution of
this his last purpose: but she not comming, and that plat
overthrowen, we returned for England
, where we found
the right honourable the Erle of Essex bound to the seas,
with whom wee presently departed in his lordships ship,
to doe him our humble service.