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The voyage of the foresaid M. Stephen Burrough, An. 1557. from Colmogro to Wardhouse, which was sent to seeke the Bona Esperanza, the Bona Confidentia, and the Philip and Mary, which were not heard of the yeere before.


UPON Sunday the 23. of May, I departed with the Searchthrift from Colmogro, the latitude whereof is 64. degrees, 25. minutes, and the variation of the compasse, 5. degrees, 10 minutes from the North to the East.

Wednesday we came to the Island called Pozanka, which Island is within foure leagues of the barre Berozova. It floweth here at an East and by South moone full sea.

Saturday in the morning we departed from Pozanka, and plied to the barre of Ber6zova Gooba, whereupon wee came to anker at a lowe water, and sounded the said Barre with our two Skiffes, and found in the best upon the shoaldest of the barre 13. foote water by the rule. It higheth upon this barre, in spring streames 3. foote water: and an East Moone maketh a full sea upon this barre.

Sunday in the morning wee departed from the barre of Berozova, and plied along by the shoalds in five fadome, untill I had sight of S. Nicholas roade, and then wee cast about to the Northwards, and went with a hommocke, which is halfe a mile to the Eastwards of Coya Reca, which hommocke and S. Nicholas abbey lye Southsouthwest, and Northnortheast, and betweene them are 11. leagues. Coia Reca is halfe a mile to the Eastwards of Coscaynos. Coscaynos & the middes of the Island called Mondeustova ostrove, which is thwart of the barre of Berozova lieth South and by East, North and by West, and betweene them are 4. leagues, or as you may say from the Seaboord part of the barre to Coscaynos are 3. leagues and a halfe.

Munday at a Northeast and by East sunne we were thwart of Coscaynos.

Dogs nose lieth from Coscaynos Northnorthwest, and betweene them are eight leagues: and Dogs nose sheweth like a Gurnerds head, if you be inwardly on both sides of it: on the lowe point of Dogs nose there standeth a crosse alone.


FROM Dogs nose to Foxenose are three leagues, North and by West.

The 2. day of June I went on shoare 2. miles to the Northwards of Dogs nose, and had the latitude of that place in 65. degrees, 47. minutes. It floweth a shoare at this place, at an East Moone full sea, and the shippe lay thwart to wende a flood, in the off, at a Southsoutheast moone. So that it is to be understoode, that when it is a full sea on the shoare, it is two points to ebbe, before it be a lowe water in the off. The variation of the Compasse at this place is 4. degrees from the North to the East.

This day the Northnorthwest winde put us backe againe with Dogs nose, where a ship may ride thwart of a salt house, in 4. fadome, or 4. fadome and a halfe of water, and have Landfange for a North and by West winde: which Salt house is halfe a mile to the Southwards of Dogs nose. Friday at a Southsouthwest Sunne, wee departed from this Salt house. It is to be noted that foure miles to the Northwards of Dogs nose there growe no trees on the banke by the water side: and the bankes consist of fullers earth. Over the cliffes there growe some trees: so that Dogs nose is the better to be knowen because it is fullers earth, and the like I have not seene in all that Countrey.

A head of Foxe nose a league from the shoare there are 15. fadome: betwixt Foxe nose and Zolatitsa there are 6 leagues, I meane the Southerly part of Foxe nose.

Sunday I sounded the barre of Zolatitsa, which the Russes told me was a good harborow, but in the best of it I found but 4. foote water.

Munday, I had the latitude in 66. degrees, and then was point Pentecost sixe leagues South of us.

Wednesday I went on land at Crosse Island, and tooke the latitude, which was 66. degrees 24 minutes.

We being one league Northeast of Crosse Island, I sawe the land on the Eastside, which I judged to be Cape good fortune, and it was then Eastsoutheast of us 9. leagues.

Cape grace is 7. leagues and a halfe Northeast from Crosse Island.

There are 2. Islands 5. leagues Northnortheast from Cape grace, the Southermost of them is a little long Island almost a mile long, and the Northermost a little round Island, and they are both hard aboord the shore.

Cape Race is from the Southermost Island North and by West, and betweene them are two leagues, and from that and halfe a league Northnorthwest, there is another poynt. Betweene which poynt and Cape Race, the Russes have a Stanavish or harborow for their Lodias: and to the Westwards of the sayd poynt, there is a shoale bay.

Three leagues and a halfe to Northwards of Cape Race, we had the latitude on the 10. day of this moneth in 67. degrees 10. minutes. Riding within half a league of the shoare in this latitude I found it to be a full sea at a North and by East moone. I had where we roade two and twentie fadoome, and the tallow which is taken up is full of great broken shels, and some stones withall like unto small sand congealed together.

From a South sunne that wee weyed, the winde being at North and by East, wee drived to the windwards halfe the ebbe, with the ships head to the Eastwards. And then when we cast her head to the Westwards, we sounded, and had 22. fadome broken shels, and gray sand; this present day was very mistie, with frost on the shrowds as the mist fell.

Friday in the morning at an East sunne, the mist brake up a little, the winde being at North and by West a stifle gale, our shrowdes and roapes over head being covered with frost, and likely to be a storme: I thought it good to seeke an harborow, and so plied roome with the Islands which are two leagues to the Southwards of Cape Race, and within these Islands (thankes bee to God) we found harborow for us. It higheth at these Islands two fadome water: it floweth in the harborow at this place at a Southsoutheast moone ful sea: and a sea boord it floweth at a Southsouthwest moone a full sea. The Russes call -this Island, Tri Ostrove.

You may come in betweene the little Island and the great Island, and keepe you in the mids of the Sound, and if you borrowe on any side, let it bee on the greatest Island, and you shall have at a low water, foure fadome, and three fadome and a halfe, and three fadome, untill that you be shot so farre in as the narrowest, which is betweene the Northermost point of the greatest Island, and the Southerne point of the maine which is right against it, and then hale to the Northwards with the crosse which standeth in the maine, and you shall have at a lowe water 10. foote water, and faire sand. And if you be disposed to goe through the Sound to the Southwards, keepe the Northwest shoare aboorde, for on the Island side after you be shotte so farre in as the crosse, it is a shoale of rockes halfe the sound over: which rockes do last unto the Southerly part of the great Island, and rather to the Southwards. And if you be constrained to seeke a harbor for Northerly windes, when you come out of the sea, hale in with the Southerly part of the great Island, giving the Island a faire birth, and as you shoote towards the maine, you shall finde roade for all Northerly windes, in foure fadome, five, sixe and seven fadome, at a lowe water.

Also within this great Island (if neede bee) you may have a good place to ground a ship in: the great Island is almost a mile long and a quarter of a mile over.

This storme of Northerly winde lasted untill the 16. of this moneth, and then the winde came Southerly, but we could not get out for Ice. I went on shore at the crosse, and tooke the latitude, which is 66. degrees, 58. minutes, 30. seconds: the variation of the Compasse 3. degrees and a halfe from the North to the East.

Thursday being faire weather, and the winde at North we plied to the winde-wards with sailes and oares: wee stopped the flood this day three leagues to the Northwards of Cape Race, two miles from the shoare, and had twentie fadome water, faire gray and blacke sand, and broken shels. And when the slake came wee wayed and made aboord to the shoare-wards, and had within two cables length of the shoare, eighteene fadomes faire gray and blacke sand: a man may finde roade there for a North winde, and so to the Westwards.

Two leagues to the Southward of Corpus Christi poynt, you may have Landfang for a North and by East winde, and from that to the Westwards in 23. fadome almost a mile from shoare, and faire sand, and amongst the sand little yong small limpets, or such like as growe upon muscles: and within two cables length and lesse of the shoare are eighteene fadomes, and the sounding aforesaid, but the yong limpets more plentifull. It was a full sea where we roade, almost a mile from shoare, at a South and by West moone: two leagues to the Southwards of Corpus Christi point is the uttermost land, which land and Cape Race lyeth South and halfe a point to Westwards, and North and halfe a point to the Eastwards, and betweene them are sixe leagues. Riding this day sixe leagues to the Northwards of Cape Race, the winde at Northnorthwest, with mist and frost, at noone the sunne appeared through the mist, so that I had the latitude in 67. degrees, 29. minutes.

Munday we were thwart of Corpus Christi point, two leagues and a halfe from shoare, or rather more, where we sounded, and had 36. fadoms and broken code shels, with brannie sand, but the broken shels very thicke.

Tuesday in the morning we were shotte a head of Cape gallant, which the Russes call Sotinoz. And as we were shot almost halfe a league betwixt it, and Cape comfort, the wind came up at the Northwest, and after to the Northwards, so that we were faine to beare roome to seeke a harbour, where we found good harbour for all windes, and the least 7. fadome water betweene S. Johns Islands, and the maine.

After that we came to an ancre, we tooke the latitude, which was 68. degrees 1. minute, after noone, the winde at North with plentie of snowe.

At a West sunne there came aboord us certaine Lappians in a boate, to the number of sixeteene persons, and amongst them there were two wenches, and some of them could speake the Russe tongue: I asked them where their abiding was, and they tolde mee that there was a companie or heard of them, to the number of 100. men, besides women and children, but a litle from us in the river Iekonga.

They tolde me that they had bene to seeke meate among the rockes, saying, If wee get no meate, wee eate none. I sawe them eate rocke weedes as hungerly, as a cowe doeth grasse when shee is hungrie. I sawe them also eate foules egges rawe, and the yong birdes also that were in the egges.

I observed certaine wordes of their language, which I thought good to set downe for their use, that hereafter shall have occasion to continue this voyage.

COWGHTIE coteat,
  • what call you this.
  • Poddythecke,
  • come hither.
  • Avanchythocke,
  • get the hence.
  • Anna,
  • farewell.
  • Teyrve,
  • good morrowe.
  • Iomme lemaufes,
  • I thanke you.
  • Passevellie,
  • a friend.
  • Olmvelke,
  • a man.
  • Captella,
  • a woman.
  • Alke,
  • a sonne.
  • Neit,
  • a daughter, or yong wench.
  • Oyvie,
  • a head.
  • Cyelme,
  • an eye.
  • Nenna,
  • a nose,
  • Nealma,
  • a mouth.
  • Pannea,
  • teeth.
  • Neughtema,
  • a tongue.
  • Seaman,
  • a beard.
  • Peallee,
  • an eare.
  • Teappat,
  • the necke.
  • Voapt,
  • the haire.
  • Keat,
  • a hand.
  • Soarme,
  • fingers.
  • Iowlkie,
  • a legge.
  • Peelkie,
  • the thombe, or great toe.
  • Sarke,
  • wollen cloth.
  • Lein ,
  • linnen cloth.
  • Payte,
  • a shirt.
  • Tol,
  • fire.
  • Keatse,
  • water.
  • Murr ,
  • wood.
  • Vannace,
  • a boate.
  • Arica,
  • an oare.
  • Nurr,
  • a roape.
  • Peyve,
  • a day.
  • Hyr,
  • a night.
  • Peyvezea,
  • the Sunne.
  • Manna,
  • the Moone.
  • Laste,
  • starres.
  • Cozam volka,
  • whither goe you.
  • Ottapp,
  • sleepe.
  • Tallye,
  • that.
  • Keiedde pieve,
  • a weeke.
  • Isckie,
  • a yeere.
  • Kesse,
  • Sommer.
  • Talve,
  • Winter.
  • Iowksam,
  • colde.
  • Parox,
  • warme.
  • Abrye,
  • raine.
  • Youghang,
  • yce.
  • Keatykye,
  • a stone.
  • Sellowpe,
  • silver.
  • Solda,
  • golde.
  • Tennae,
  • tinne.
  • Veskue,
  • copper.
  • Rowadt,
  • yron.
  • Neybx,
  • a knife.
  • Axshe,
  • a hatchet.
  • Leabee,
  • bread.
  • Iaevegoat,
  • meale.
  • Pencka,
  • the winde.
  • Iowte,
  • A platter.
  • Kemnie,
  • a kettle.
  • Keestes,
  • gloves,
  • Sapege,
  • shoes.
  • Conde ,
  • a wilde Deare.
  • Poatsa,
  • the labouring Deare.
  • Their words of number are these as followeth.

  • 1.
  • Noumpte,
  • 2.
  • Colme,
  • 3.
  • Nellye,
  • 4.
  • Vitte ,
  • 5.
  • Cowte,
  • 6.
  • Keydeem,
  • 7.
  • Kaffts,
  • 8.
  • Owghchte,
  • 9.
  • Locke,
  • 10.
  • Ostretumbelocke,
  • 11.
  • Cowghtnumbelocke,
  • 12.
  • Colmenonbelocke,
  • 13.
  • Nellynombelocke,
  • 14.
  • Vittie nombelocke,
  • 15.
  • Cowtenombelocke,
  • 16.
  • Keydemnombelocke,
  • 17.
  • Kafts nombelocke,
  • 18.
  • Owght nombelocke,
  • 19.
  • Coffteylocke,
  • 20.
  • Colmelocke,
  • 30.
  • Nelly locke,
  • 40.
  • Vitte locke,
  • 50.
  • Cowtelocke,
  • 60.
  • Keydemlocke,
  • 70.
  • Kaffstelocke,
  • 80.
  • Oughcheteloke,
  • 90.
  • Tewet.
  • 100.

  • June, cont.

    25 Friday in the morning we departed from Saint Johns Island : to the Westwards thereof, a mile from the shoare, we sounded, and had 36. fadoms, and oazie sand.

    Juana Creos is from Cape gallant Westnorthwest, and halfe a point to the Northwards, and betweene them is 7. leagues. The point of the Island, which is Cape comfort, lyeth from Juana Creos, Northwest and by North, and almost the 3. part of a point to the Westwards, and betweene them are 3. leagues.

    The Eastermost of S. Georges Islands, or the 7. Islands, lyeth from Juana Creos Northwest, & halfe a point to the Northwards, and betweene them are 14. leagues & a halfe. The uttermost of the 7. Islands, & Cape comfort lieth Northwest, & by North, Southeast, and by South.

    Under the Southermost Island you shall finde good roade for all Northerly windes from the Northwest to the Northeast. From the Southeast part of the 7. Islands, unto the Northwest part of them, are 3. leagues and a halfe.

    From the Northwest part of the Islands aforesaid, unto S. Peters Islands, are 11. leagues Northwest.

    26 S. Peters Islands rise an indifferent low point, not seeming to be an Island, and as if it had a castle upon it.

    S. Pauls Islands lie from S. Peters Islands Northwest and to the Westwards, and betweene them are 6. leagues. Within these Islands there is a faire sandy bay, and there may be found a good roade for Northerly windes.

    Cape Sower beere lyeth from S. Pauls Islands Northwest and by West, and betweene them are 5. leagues.

    Cape comfort, which is the Island of Kildina, lieth from Cape Sower beere, 6. leagues West Northwest, and it is altogether a bay betweene them seeming many Islands in it.

    From Cape Bonaventure, to Chebe Navoloche are 10. leagues Northwest, and a litle to the Westwards. Chebe Navoloche is a faire point, wheron standeth a certaine blacke, like an emptie butte standing a head.

    From Chebe Navoloch to Kegor, is 9. leagues and a halfe Northwest, and halfe a poynt to the Westwards. Kegor riseth as you come from the Eastwards like 2. round homocks standing together, and a faire saddle betweene them.

    27 It floweth where we road this Sunday to the Eastwards of Kegor, at a Southeast and by East moone, a full sea: we roade in 15. fadome water within halfe a mile of the shoare: at a Northwest Sunne the mist came downe so thicke, that we were faine to come to an ancre within lesse then a mile of the point that turneth to Doms haff, where we had 33. fadome, and the sounding like to the skurfe of a skalde head.

    28 Munday at afternoone, wee came into the Sound of Wardhouse, although it were very mistie. Then I sent a man a shoare to know some newes, and to see whether they could heare any thing of our ships.

    29 Tuesday I went on shoare, and dined with the Captaines deputie, who made mee great cheere: the Captaine himselfe was not as yet come from Bergen : they looked for him every houre, and they said that he would bring newes with him.

    At a Northwest and by North sunne we departed from Wardhouse, toward Colmogro.

    30 Wednesday we came to Kegor, where we met with the winde at East Southeast, so that we were faine to go in to a bay to the Westwards of the point Kegor, where a man may moare 2. or 3. small ships, that shall not draw past 11. or 12. foote water, for all windes, an East Northeast winde is the worst. It is a ledge of rocks, that defendeth the Northerly winds from the place where they moare. When we came into the bay we saw there a barke which was of Dronton, & three or foure Norway yeaghes, belonging to Northberne: so when I came a shoare, I met first with the Dutchmen, amongst whom was the Borrow-masters sonne of Dronton, who tolde me that the Philip and Mary wintered at Dronton, and departed from thence for England in March: and withall he shewed me that the Confidence was lost, and that he had bought her sailes for his ship. Then the Dutch-men caried me to their Boothe, and made me good cheere, where I sawe the Lappians chepen of the said Dutchmen,, both silver platters and dishes, spoones, gilt rings, ornaments for girdles of silver & gilt, and certaine things made to hang about the necke, with silver chaines belonging to them.

    The Dutchmen bring hither mightie strong beere, I am certaine that our English double beere would not be liked of the Kerils and Lappians, as long as that would last.

    Here I sawe the Dutchmen also have course cloth, both blew, greene and redde, and sad horseflesh colour: And hither they bring also Ottars cases and foxe cases, both blacke and redde : our English foxe cases are but counterfaits unto them.

    They would not let me understand any of their prises, but as I otherwise understood they bartered 2. load of silver for 100 of stockfish, and 2. loade is a doller. And the Dutchmen told me, that they had made a notable good yeere this present yeere 1557. They tolde me that they should be faine to goe to Wardhouse with one lading, and lay it on land there, and so come againe and fetch another. The Borrowmasters sonne told me, that he would go to Amsterdam with his lading of stockfish, who gave me a barrell of strong beere, and brought it in aboord our ship himselfe.

    After this I went among the Russes and Kerils, who offered me fish to sell, and likewise the Lappians desired me to looke upon their fish. I made them answere, that I had nowe no wares nor money to barter with them, and said that I came only to see if I might meete with our English ships. Then they desired me that I would come thither the next yeere: I said to them, If I should come the next yeere, I thinke here would not be fish ynough to serve the Dutchmen and us also. They answered me, that if more ships did resort thither, there would more people labour to kill and make fish: and further they said, that some of them came thither a fishing 8. weekes journey with Deere, which Deere will travaile more speedily then horses will.

    As I was thus in talke with the Kerils and Lappians, the Emperour of Russia his deputie (who was there to gather the tribute of the Lappians) sent for me to come to his tent, who after familiar salutations, made me good cheere. He demaunded of me, why none of our ships came thither. I answered him, because we knew not the place before now, neither yet heard of any faire that was kept there. Then said he, If you will come hither, here would more people resort to kill fish, I thinke it good (said he) that you make a beginning. I tolde him, that by the grace of God the next yeere, one English ship should come thither.

    Because I sawe the servants of the king of Denmarke there also gathering the tribute, I asked Vasilie Pheodorvich the Russie deputie, whether the Denmarks would not be a let to us, if we should come to this Kegor. And he said, no, they should not: for this land is my kings, and therefore be bolde to come hither.

    The Kerils and the Lappians solde no fish, untill the said deputie had looked upon it, and had given them leave to sell. I asked him what wares were best for us to bring thither, and he said, silver, pearles, cloth, blewe, red, and greene, meale, strong beere, wine, pewter, foxe cases, and gold.

    The Lappians pay tribute to the Emperour of Russia, to the king of Denmarke, and to the king of Sweden . He tolde me that the River Cola is little more then 20. leagues to the Southwards of Kegor, where we should have great plentie of salmon, if corne were any thing cheape in Russia : for then poore men would resort thither to kill salmon.

    The Dutchmen tolde me that they had made a good yeere of this, but the Kerils complained of it, because they could not sell all their fish, and that which they sold was as pleased the Dutchmen, and at their own price. I asked the Kerils at what price they sold their fish to the Russes, & they said good cheape: wee sell 24. fishes for 4. altines. I thinke they solde little above 20. pence, the 25. fishes this yeere.

    The Dutchmen tolde me that the best stockfish is made at Kegor. I sawe at Vasilies tent 7. or 8. javelins, and halfe a dozen of bowes bent, with their budgets of arrowes, & likewise swords with other weapons: Otherwise I sawe no weapons there.

    I was also conveyed to their lodgings, which gathered tribute for the king of Denmarke, where I sawe a paire of bilbowes: and I asked whether they were for the Lappians (if neede were,) and they said no, but onely for their owne company if they should chance to be unruly.

    The Kerils and the Lappians are not to be trusted, for they will steale as well as the Russes, if they may conveniently come by any thing.

    Concerning my voyage, because the winde was scant to goe back againe to Colmogro, I tarried to the Eastwards of the poynt Kegor, and sent to land, and baked two batches of bread in the ovens that the Kerils have for their provision.

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