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Thid. Thyr. Theob. et seq.

flaw, Ff, Rowe, Pope, Han. Coll. Dyce, Sta. Glo. Cam. Hal. flaw; Theob. et cet.

think'ſt thinkeſt Ff, Rowe.

exeunt. Exent. F2. Scene XIII. Dyce, Sta. Glo. Cam. Scene VIII. Rowe. Scene IX. Pope, Warb. Johns. Scene X. Han. Act IV. Sc. i. Coll. (MS). Scene XI. Cap. et cet. Alexandria. Rowe. A Room in the Palace. Cap.

do Om. Steev. conj.

though although Pope, Theob. Han. Warb. Steev. Var. '03, '13, Ktly.

other? other, Coll. Wh. Cam. Hal. Ktly. follow?] follow you Pope, Theob. Han. Warb. Cap. Ktly. ha' follow'd Anon. ap. Cam.

Captain-ſhip, captainship, Rowe. captainship Pope, Han. captainship; Theob. Warb. et seq.

he being The meered begins The mortal Orger. and he Was the mere Words.

meered Ff, Pope,+, Cap. Varr. Glo. meer Rowe. admired Mitford ap. Cam. empery Bulloch. merest Kinnear. mered Mal. et cet.

queſtion? question. Rowe et seq. (subs.) 'Twas] Tis F2. 'Tis F3F4, Rowe.

Enter... Enter Antony with Amb. Rowe. Enter Antony with Euphronius. Cap.

that this Ff, Rowe.

Amb. Eup. Cap.

The Queene...ſo. Lines end, Han. Cap. Steev. Var. '73, '78.

The Queene...So ſhe One line, Mal. Ran. Var. '21, Coll. Sing. Dyce, Wh. i, Glo. Cam. Hal. Ktly. The Queene ... yeeld] One line, Knt.

The Queene...vs vp One line, Sta.

He My Lord, he Han. Cap.

Let her ...brimme Lines end, know't. ...head, ...brim, Rowe et seq.

know't Ff, Rowe,+, Cap. Dyce, Sta. Glo. Cam. know it then Steev. conj. know it Var. '73 et cet.

againe, Ff, Rowe, Pope, Han. again. Johns. again; Theob. et cet.

Miniſters ministries Cap. Ran.

i'th' i'the Cap. et seq.

Compariſons caparisons Pope, Han. Wh. i, Sing. Ktly, Huds.

a-part apart F3F4.

declin'd, declin'd; Coll. Hal. declin'd Sing.

33. [Exit Ant. Rowe. Exeunt Ant. and Euph. Cap.

Yes...too Aside, Cap. Dyce, Glo. Cam. Ktly.

enough:...Sworder. Ff, Rowe, +, Cap. enough, ...sworder! Dyce, Sta. Glo. Cam. Ktly. enough! ... sworder! Coll. iii. enough, ... sworder. Var. '73 et cet.

hye battel'd hye-battel'd Ff.

to'th' F2. to th' F3F4, Rowe,+. t'the Hal. to the Cap. et cet.

36-39. Mnemonic, Warb.

quality qualities Coll. MS.

alike, that alike. That Rowe et seq.

emptineſſe; emptiness! Theob. et seq.

iudgement judegement F2.

their the Kinnear.

noſe noses Walker, Huds. Words.

47. [Exit Attendant. Cap.

Eno. Eno. [Aside.] Han. Cap. et seq. ſquare,] square; Rowe,+. square. Cap. et seq.

The Tho' Theob. Han.

i'th' i'the Cap. et seq.

will. will? Theob. et seq.

None None here Han. Here's none Ktly. No one Walker. ſay] say on Cap.

For vs you For as you Ff, Rowe, Pope, Theob. Han. Warb.

that is that's Pope,+, Steev. Varr. Coll Sing. Wh. i.

So. Separate line, Pope et seq. renown'd,] renown'd; Han. Cap. et seq. (subs.)

intreats entreats Cap. Mal. Steev. et seq. entreats thee Ktly.

Cæſars. Cæsar's. Mal. Ran. Var. '21, Coll. i. Cæſar. Ff et cet.

on, right Ff, Rowe, Pope. on.— Right Johns. on;—right Theob. et cet. (subs.)

embrace embrac'd Cap. conj. Ran. Huds.

feared fear'd Theob. et seq.

Oh. Oh! [Aside.] Rowe,+. Var. '73.

ſcarre's ſcarres F2F3. ſcars F4.

He is He's Walker, Dyce ii, iii.

He is ... meerely Lines end, right. ...meerly Rowe. Lines end, knows ...yielded, ...meerly Pope et seq.

Eno. Eno. [Aside.] Han. Cap. et seq.

To be...leakie Lines end, that, ...leaky Pope et seq.

Sir, ſir, thou art Sir, thou'rt Pope, Theob. Han. Warb. Sir, sir, thou'rt Steev. Varr. Coll. Sing. Wh. i, Hal.

to Om. Ff.

him: him? Pope et seq. for] Om. Pope, Theob. Han. Warb.

ſhould would Rowe ii,+, Varr. Ran.

To leane ... Land-lord Lines end, upon. ... me ... yourself ... landlord Johns. Var. '73.

ſhrowd shroud Theob. ii, Warb. Johns. Var. '73. shrowd, the great Han. Cap. shrowd, who is Coll. ii, iii (MS), Ktly, Huds. stewardship Bulloch.

the vniuerſal Land-lord. Separate line, Han. Cap. Var. '78 et seq. Land-lord] Landlord (opposite line 89), F2.

Thidias Thyreus Theob. et seq.

this in diſputation, Ff, Rowe, Pope. this; in deputation Theob. Han. Warb. Johns. Cap. Ran. Sing. Dyce, Wh. Glo. Cam. Ktly, Coll. iii. this; in disputation Var. '78, '85, Mal. Steev. Varr. Knt, Coll. i, Sta. Hal. that in disputation Coll. ii (MS).

I am I'm Pope,+, Dyce ii, iii.

at's Ff, Rowe,+, Knt, Coll. Sing. Dyce, Wh. Sta. Hal. Glo. Cam. at his Cap. et cet.

Tell ... breath One line, Rowe, Pope, Theob. Han. Warb. from] that from Rowe,+. all-obeying] all-swaying Anon. ap. Cam.

'Tis It is Han.

96-98. Mnemonic, Warb.

oft, Om. Han. [giving her hand. Cap.

oft ... in One line, Steev. Var. '03, '13, Knt, Sing. Ktly. Scene X. Pope, Warb. Johns. Scene XI. Han. Scene continued, Theob. Cap. et seq.

105. [Seeing Thidias kiss her hand. Rowe.

Fauours? Ff. Favours! Rowe, +. Favours, Cap. et seq.

Fauours?...Fellow? Lines end, thunders. ... Fellow? F4, Rowe et seq.

whipt Ff. whipp'd Rowe. [Aside. Cap. Dyce, Sta. Glo. Cam.

there: there— Rowe,+. there! Var. '73. ah] ay, Steev. Varr. Knt, Coll. Dyce, Wh. i, Hal. Kite.] Kite! Rowe et seq. Now...diuels] Separate line, F4.

Authority ... him. Lines end, I...would...ears?...him. Han.

me of late. When Ff, Rowe, Pope, Theob. Han. Warb. me of late: when Cap. me. Of late, when Johns. et cet. hoa,] ho! Cap.

And cry...I am Ff, Rowe, +, Knt, Sta. Cam. Separate line, Cap. et cet.

your will. your will? Pope et seq. As a quotation, Han. Johns. et seq.

I am I'm Pope,+.

Enter... Enter Attendants. Cap. (after line 113).

'Tis ... dying Aside. Cap. Dyce, Sta. Glo. Cam.

Starres, stars! Rowe.

wer't wert F2. were F3F4, Rowe, Pope.

of ſhe of her Han. of—she Coll. Wh. i.

what's ... Cleopatra? In parenthesis, Pope,+, Cap.

name name, Johns. et seq.

Cleopatra? Cleopatra— Rowe.

Anthony. Ff. Antony! Glo. Antony— Rowe et cet.

againe, again; Theob. et seq. (subs.) the] Ff, Rowe, Knt, Coll. Wh. i, Hal. this Pope et cet.

arrant errand F4.

Ha? Ha! Rowe.

Iem F2. Jemme F3. Jem F4, Rowe, Pope, Theob. Warb. gem Han.

Lord. Lord— Rowe et seq. (subs.)

boggeler boggler Rowe.

grow grew Ff, Rowe.

ſeele F2. ſeale F3. ſeal F4, Rowe, Pope, Theob. Han. Warb. seel Johns. et seq.

eyes...filth, Ff, Rowe, Pope, Theob. Han. Johns. eyes...filth; Cap. Knt. eyes: ...filth Warb. et cet. (subs.)

drop dark Lettsom, Huds. drown Words.

at's F3F4, Rowe,+, Sing. Dyce, Sta. Glo. Cam. ats F2. at us Cap. et cet.

is't Ff, Rowe,+, Cap. Dyce, Sta. Glo. Cam. is it Var. '73 et cet.

Gneius Cneius Ff. Pompeyes] Pompey's F4. Pompey Han.

God quit you As a quotation, Han.

O...him Om. Gar.

begg'd a Ff, Rowe, Pope, Han. begg'd a' Theob. Warb. Johns. Glo. begg'd he Cap. et cet.

bin been Ff. whipt. For...him,] whipp'd, for ...him. Rowe et seq. (subs.)

Shake thou Shake Ff, Rowe, Pope, Theob. Han. Warb. Shake thee Mal. Shake but Coll. MS. Get] Go get Rowe, Pope, Theob. Han. Warb.

makes make Rowe ii.

doo't: doot: F2. do't: F3F4, Rowe,+. do't, Johns. Coll. Dyce, Glo. Cam.

ſhot ſhut F3F4.

th' Abiſme the Abiſme Ff et seq.

done, done; Cap. Varr. Mal. Ran. Steev. Varr. Sing.

enfranched Ff, Rowe, Pope, Sta. Glo. Cam. Hal. enfranchèd Dyce. enfranchis'd Theob. et cet.

Alacke...time? Lines end, moon...alone...time? Cap. Var. '78 et seq.

185. [to her Women. Cap. time?] F2. time. F3F4 et seq.

points. points? Rowe et seq.

me? me! Theob.+, Var. '73. me— Ktly.

Ah (Deere Om. Han.

poyſon it poison't Pope,+.

determines ſo determines, so Rowe et seq.

life, life; Rowe, Pope, Han. life! Theob. et seq. Caſarian ſmile] Ff. Cæsario smite Rowe, Pope, Theob. Warb. Johns. Cæsarion smite Han. et cet.

diſcandering Ff, Knt. discattering Rowe, Pope. discandying Thirlby, Theob. et cet.

graueleſſe, Ff, Rowe, Var. '73, Coll. Dyce, Wh. Sta. Glo. Cam. Hal. graveless; Pope et cet.

I am I'm Pope,+, Dyce ii, iii.

ſets sits Johns. Var. '73 et seq.

in 'fore Han.

held, held; Pope et seq. our] and Ff, Rowe.

Fleete float Rowe,+, Var. '73. a fleet Coll. MS.

bin been Ff.

ſhall should Pope ii, Theob. Warb. Johns. Varr. Ran.

our my Ff, Rowe,+, Varr.

There''t There it Han. Cap. Var. '78, '85, Mal. Ran. Steev. Varr.

yet Om. Sta.

trebble - ſinewed F2F3. treble-ſinewed F4, Rowe. treble-sinew'd Pope et seq.

Bowles once more: Let's Ff, Knt, Sing. Glo. Cam. Ktly. bowls; once more Let's Rowe et cet.

I had ... Cleopatra Lines end, is...Cleopatra Han.

t'haue Ff, Rowe,+, Sing. Dyce ii, iii, Ktly. to have Cap. et cet.

againe Om. Steev. conj.

We will Ff, Rowe,+, Var. '73, Knt, Coll. Sing. Dyce, Wh. Sta. Glo. Cam. Hal. We'll Cap. et cet.

Call ... Lord. Call my lord's noble captains. Words.

Do ſo... Queene Lines end, force...Queen. Rowe et seq.

to them to 'em Han.

ſcarres ſkarres F2.

Sythe scythe F4. Exeunt.] Exeunt Ant. Cle. Cha. Ira. and Att. Cap.

231-235. Mnemonic, Warb.

out-ſtare outflare Daniel. Lightning,] Ff, Rowe i. light- ning; Rowe ii, Pope, Theob. Han. Warb. lightning. Johns. et cet.

Is to be Is to Cap. (Corrected in Errata.) and] Om. Cap. Walker.

and Om. Han.

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