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626. The Odes of Horace include nineteen varieties of stanza. These are:—

    Alcaic, consisting of two Greater Alcaics (10), one Trochaic Dimeter with anacrusis, and one Lesser Alcaic (9)1:—
    1. iūstum ét tenā´cem || prō´positī´ virúm
    2. nōn cī´viumā´rdor || prā´va iubéntiúm,
    3. nōn vúltus ī´nstantís tyránnī
    4. ménte quatít solidā´, nequeAúster.—Od. 3.3.
    (Found in Od. i. 9, 16, 17, 26, 27, 29, 31, 34, 35, 37; ii. 1, 3, 5, 7, 9, 11, 13, 14, 15, 17, 19, 20; iii. 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 17, 21, 23, 26, 29; iv. 4, 9, 14, 15.)

    Note.--The Alcaic Strophe is named after the Greek poet Alcæus of Lesbos, and was a special favorite with Horace, of whose Odes thirty-seven are in this form. It is sometimes called the Horatian Stanza.

    Sapphic (minor), consisting of three Lesser Sapphics (7) and one Adonic (3):—
    1. iám satís terrī´s || nivis átque dī´rae
    2. grándinís mīsít || pater ét rubénte
    3. déxterā´ sacrā´s || iaculā´tus árcīs
    4. térruit úrbem.—Od. 1.2.
    (Found in Od. i. 2, 10, 12, 20, 22, 25, 30, 32, 38; ii. 2, 4, 6, 8, 10, 16; iii. 8, 11, 141820, 22, 27; iv. 2, 6, 11; Carm. Saec.)

    Note 2.--The Sapphic Stanza is named after the poetess Sappho of Lesbos, and was a great favorite with the ancients. It is used by Horace in twenty-five Odes— more frequently than any other except the Alcaic.

    Sapphic (major), consisting of one Aristophanic (2) and one Greater Sapphic (8):—
    1. Lȳ´dia dī´c, per ómnī´s
    2. tē´ deō´s ōrō´, Sybarín || cū´r properā´s amándō´.—Od. 1.8.
    Asclepiadean I (minor), consisting of Lesser Asclepiadics (5):—
    1. éxēgī´ monuméntum|| aére perénniús
    2. rē´gālī´que sitū´ || pȳ´ramidumáltiús.—Od. 3.30.
    3. (Found in Od. i. 1; 3.30; 4.8.)
    Asclepiadean II, consisting of one Glyconic (1) and one Lesser Asclepiadic (5):—
    1. nā´vis quaé tibi crē´ditúm
    2. dē´bēs Vérgiliúm, || fī´nibus Átticī´s
    3. réddās íncolumém, precór,
    4. ét servē´s animaé || dī´midiúm meaé.—Od. 1.3.
    5. (Found in Od. i. 3, 13, 19, 36; iii. 9, 15, 19, 24, 25, 28; iv. i, 3.)
    Asclepiadean III, consisting of three Lesser Asclepiadics (5) and one Glyconic (1):—
    1. quís dēsī´deriō´ || sít pudor aút modús
    2. tám cārī´ capitís? || praécipe lū´gubrī´s
    3. cántūs, Mélpomenē´, || cuí liquidám patér
    4. vō´cem cúm citharā´ dedít.—Od. 1.24.
    5. (Found in Od. i. 6, 15, 24, 33; 2.12; 3.10, 16; iv. 5, 12.)
    Asclepiadean IV, consisting of two Lesser Asclepiadics (5), one Pherecratic (4), and one Glyconic (1):—
    1. ō´ fōns Bándusiaé || spléndidiór vitrō´,
    2. dúlcī dī´gne merō´, || nō´n sine flō´ribús,
    3. crā´s dōnā´beris haédō´
    4. cuí frōns túrgida córnibús.—Od. 3.13.
    5. (Found in Od. i. 5, 14, 21, 23; iii. 7, 13; 4.13.)
    Asclepiadean V (major), consisting of Greater Asclepiadics (6):—
    1. tū´ quaésierís, || scī´re nefā´s! || quém mihi, quém tibī´
    2. fī´nem dī´ dederínt, || Leúconoē´, || néc Babylō´niō´s
    3. téntārís numerō´s.—Od. 1.11.
    4. (Found in Od. 1.11, 18; 4.10.)
  1. Alcmanian, consisting of Dactylic Hexameter (§ 615) alternating with Tetrameter (§ 617. a). (Od. i. 7, 28; Epod. 12.)
  2. Archilochian I, consisting of a Dactylic Hexameter alternating with a Dactylic Penthemim (see § 617. b). (Od. 4.7.)
  3. Archilochian IV, consisting of a Greater Archilochian (heptameter, § 622. 1), followed by Iambic Trimeter Catalectic (§ 618. d). The stanza consists of two pairs of verses:—
    1. sólvitur ā´cris hiéms grātā´ vice || Vē´ris ét Favō´nī,
    2. trahúntque síccās || mā´chinaé carī´nā´s;
    3. ác neque iám stabulī´s gaudét pecus, || aút arā´tor ī´gnī,
    4. nec prā´ta cā´nīs || álbicánt pruī´nī´s.—Od. 1.4.
  4. Iambic Trimeter alone (see § 618). (Epod. 17.)
  5. Iambic Strophe (see § 618. a). (Epod. 1-10.)
  6. Dactylic Hexameter alternating with Iambic Dimeter:—
    1. nóx erat, ét caelō´ || fulgē´bat lū´na serē´nō
    2. intér minō´ra sī´derá,
    3. cúm , mā´gnōrúm || nūmén laesū´ra deō´rum,
    4. in vérba iū´rābā´s meá.—Epod. 15. (So in Epod. 14.)
    Dactylic Hexameter with Iambic Trimeter (§ 618):—
    1. áltera iám teritúr || bellī´s cīvī´libus aétās,
    2. suī´s et ípsa Rō´ma || vī´ribús ruít.—Epod. 16.
    Verse of Four Lesser Ionics (§ 609. c.2):—
    1. miserārumest | nequeamōrī | dare lūdum | neque dulcī
    2. mala vīnō | laver eaut ex|animārī | metuentīs.—Od. 3.12.
    Iambic Trimeter (§ 618); Dactylic Penthemim (§ 617. b); Iambic Dimeter:—
    1. Pettī´, nihíl mē || sī´cut ánteā´ iuvát
    2. scrī´bere vérsiculō´s || amō´re pérculsúm gravī´.—Epod. 11.
    Dactylic Hexameter; Iambic Dimeter; Dactylic Penthemim (§ 617. b):
    1. hórrida témpestā´s || caelúm contrā´xit, et ímbrēs
    2. nivē´sque dē´dūcúnt Iovém; || núnc mare, núnc silüaé ...
    3. —Epod. 13.
  7. Trochaic Dimeter, Iambic Trimeter, each catalectic (see § 620. c).



  1. Maecēnās atavīs: 4.
  2. Iam satis terrīs: 2.
  3. Sīc dīva: 5.
  4. Solvitur ācris hiems: 11.
  5. Quis multā: 7.
  6. Scrībēris Variō: 6.
  7. Laudābunt aliī: 9.
  8. Lȳdia dīc: 3.
  9. Vidēs ut altā: 1.
  10. Mercurī fācunde nepōs: 2.
  11. quaesieris: 8.
  12. Quem virum: 2.
  13. Cum Lȳdia: 5.
  14. Ō nāvis: 7.
  15. Pāstor cum traheret: 6.
  16. Ō mātre pulchrā: 1.
  17. Vēlōx amoenum: 1.
  18. Nūllam Vāre: 8.
  19. Māter saeva: 5.
  20. Vīle pōtābis: 2.
  21. Dīānam tenerae: 7.
  22. Integer vītae: 2.
  23. Vītās īnuleō: 7.
  24. Quis dēsīderiō: 6.
  25. Parcius iūnctās: 2.
  26. Mūsīs amīcus: 1.
  27. Nātīs in ūsum: 1.
  28. maris: 9.
  29. Iccī beātīs: 1.
  30. Ō Venus: 2.
  31. Quid dēdicātum: 1.
  32. Poscimur: 2.
  33. Albī doleās: 6.
  34. Parcus deōrum: 1.
  35. Ō dīva: 1.
  36. Et tūre: 5.
  37. Nunc est bibendum: 1.
  38. Persicōs ōdī: 2.

  1. Mōtum ex Metellō: 1.
  2. Nūllus argentō: 2.
  3. Aequam mementō: 1.
  4. sit ancillae: 2.
  5. Nōndum subāctā: 1.
  6. Septimī Gādēs: 2.
  7. Ō saepe mēcum: 1.
  8. Ūlla iūris: 2.
  9. Nōn semper imbrēs: 1.
  10. Rēctius vīvēs: 2.
  11. Quid bellicōsus: 1.
  12. Nōlīs longa: 6.
  13. Ille et nefāstō: 1.
  14. Ēheu fugācēs: 1.
  15. Iam pauca: 1.
  16. Ōtium dīvōs: 2.
  17. Cūr mē querellīs: 1.
  18. Nōn ebur: 19.
  19. Bacchum in remōtīs: 1.
  20. Nōn ūsitātā: 1.

  1. Ōdī profānum: 1.
  2. Angustam amīcē: 1.
  3. Iūstum et tenācem: 1.
  4. Dēscende caelō: 1.
  5. Caelō tonantem: 1.
  6. Dēlicta mâiōrum: 1.
  7. Quid flēs: 7.
  8. Mārtiīs caelebs: 2.
  9. Dōnec grātus: 5.
  10. Extrēmum Tanain: 6.
  11. Mercurī nam : 2.
  12. Miserārum est: 16.
  13. Ō fōns Bandusiae: 7.
  14. Herculis rītū: 2.
  15. Uxor pauperis: 5.
  16. Inclūsam Danaēn: 6.
  17. Aelī vetustō: 1.
  18. Faune nymphārum: 2.
  19. Quantum dīstet: 5.
  20. Nōn vidēs: 2.
  21. Ō nāta mēcum: 1.
  22. Montium cūstōs: 2.
  23. Caelō supīnās: 1.
  24. Intāctīs opulentior: 5.
  25. Quō mē Bacche: 5.
  26. Vīxī puellīs: 1.
  27. Impiōs parrae: 2.
  28. Fēstō quid: 5.
  29. Tyrrhēna rēgum: 1.
  30. Exēgī monumentum: 4.

  1. Intermissa Venus: 5.
  2. Pindarum quisquis: 2.
  3. Quem Melpomenē: 5
  4. Quālem ministrum: 1.
  5. Dīvīs orte bonīs: 6.
  6. Dīve quem prōlēs: 2.
  7. Diffūgēre nivēs: 10.
  8. Dōnārem paterās: 4.
  9. forte crēdās: 1.
  10. Ō crūdēlis adhūc: 8.
  11. Est mihī nōnum: 2.
  12. Iam vēris comitēs: 6.
  13. Audīvēre Lycē: 7.
  14. Quae cūra patrum: 1.
  15. Phoebus volentem: 1.
  16. Carmen Saeculāre : 2.

  1. Ībis Liburnīs: 13.
  2. Beātus ille: 13.
  3. Parentis ōlim: 13.
  4. Lupīs et āgnīs: 13.
  5. At ō deōrum: 13.
  6. Quid immerentīs: 13.
  7. Quō quō scelestī: 13.
  8. Rogāre longō: 13.
  9. Quandō repostum: 13.
  10. Malā solūta: 13.
  11. Pettī nihil: 17.
  12. Quid tibi vīs: 9.
  13. Horrida tempestās: 18.
  14. Mollis inertia: 14.
  15. Nox erat: 14.
  16. Altera iam: 15.
  17. Iam iam efficācī: 12.

1 The figures refer to the foregoing list (§ 625).

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