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PETRA Thessaly, Greece.

Modern name of a hill of three peaks on the W side of Lake Boibe (Karla), ca. 5 km E of Gerli (now Armenion). It was an island in antiquity. It is the site of a prehistoric settlement with extensive Cyclopean walls (ca. 4 km in length), estimated to be the largest Mycenaean walled site known in Greece. There was also an archaic-Hellenistic settlement here; sherds, some building remains, etc. are to be seen. It is sometimes identified as Armenion (Strab. 11.503, 530, a city between Larissa and Pherai) and sometimes as Kerkinion, a city somewhere near the Boibe Lake, taken by the Aitolians and Athymanians under Amynander in 200 B.C. when it had a Macedonian garrison (Livy 31.41. 2f).


A. S. Arvanitopoullos, Praktika (1910) 232f; (1911) 346f; F. Stählin, Das Hellenische Thessalien (1924) 103; A. Philippson, GL I 1 (1950) 121, 274; V. Milojćić, AA (1955) 221-29PI; BCH 81 (1957) 597.


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  • Cross-references from this page (1):
    • Livy, The History of Rome, Book 31, 41
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