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built by Claudius in 51/52 A.D. in commemoration of his victories in Britain (CIL vi. 920-923 =31203-4; Suet. Claud. 17; Dio lx. 19 ff., 22). It also formed part of the aqua Virgo, where this aqueduct crossed the via Lata, just north of the Saepta. It seems to have been in ruins as early as the eighth century, but in 1562, in 1641, and again in 1869 portions of the structure were found, including part of the principal inscription, inscriptions dedicated to other members of the imperial family, some of the foundations, and fragments of sculpture of which all traces have been lost. On coins issued in 46-47 A.D., as an ' intelligent anticipation' of events (BM Claud. 29, 32-35, 49-50; Cohen, Claudius 16-24), is a representation of an arch erected to commemorate these victories of Claudius, but whether it is this arch of the aqua Virgo is quite uncertain (HJ 468-9; LS iii. 125-6; PBS iii. 220-223). For reliefs recently discovered which may belong to it, see NS 1925, 230-233; Bocconi, Musei Capitolini, 292. 9; 294. 14; YW 1925-6, 112.

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