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According to the legend S. Caecilia was exposed for three days to the heat of the calidarium in the baths of the house of her family, during the persecution of M. Aurelius. Excavations under the church dedicated to her in Trastevere brought to light (in 1899-1900) considerable remains of Roman brick walls of the first half of the second century A.D., intermingled with still earlier (though not republican) structures in opus quadratum. There are also later walls (third and fourth century) with rough mosaic pavements. In one room are circular basins, for the fulling of cloth or for tanning (see CORARIA SEPTIMIANA and cf. Mau, Pompeii, 416). To the upper floor of the aneient building belongs the room heated with a hypocaust, now in the chapel on the right of the present church. The older basiliea was perhaps to the left of this. See BCr 1899, 261; 1900, 143, 265; NS 1900, 12-14, 230; Cosmos Catholicus iv. (1902), 648; Leclereq in Cabrol, Diet. ii. 2765; HJ 638-639; HCh 229; Kirsch, Rom. Titelkirehen, 113-116; 149 n. I, 155, 156.

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