a temple to Concord on the arx, vowed probably
by the praetor L. Manlius in 218 B.C. after he had quelled a mutiny among
his troops in Cisalpine Gaul (
Liv. xxii. 33. 7; cf. xxvi. 23. 4). It was
begun in 217 and dedicated on 5th February, 216 (
Liv. xxiii. 21. 7;
Hemerol. Praen. ad Non. Feb., Concordiae in Arce ;
1 CIL i 2. p. 233, 309;
Fast. Ant. ap.
NS 1921, 86, Concordiae in Capitolio;
Hermes 1875, 288;
Jord. i. 2. 112). It was probably on the east side of the arx, and overlooked the great temple of Concord below.