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a temple vowed by Q. Lutatius Catulus on the day of the battle of Vercellae, 30th June, 101 B.C. (Plut. Mar. 26:Τύχη τῆς ἡμέρας ἐκείνης), and dedicated by him on an anniversary of the battle (Fast. Allif. Pine. ad iii Kal. Aug., CIL i². p. 217, 219, 323). It was in the campus Martius (Fast. locc. citt.: in campo), but the exact site is unknown. This Fortuna is clearly the deity to whom the happy issue of each day is owing (Cic. de leg. ii. 28: Fortunaque sit vel Huiusce diei, nam valet in omnis dies, etc). Certain statues by Pythagoras of Samos stood ad aedem huiusce diei in Pliny's time (NH xxxiv. 60), but whether this temple is meant or that on the Palatine is uncertain (see below). In the sixth century (Procop. BG i. 15. I ) there was a stone replica of the Palladium which Diomede had brought from Troy to Italy ἐν τῷ τῆς Τυχης ἱερῷ, and it is generally assumed that this temple is referred to, although without much reason (HJ 491 ; Rosch. i. 1514; RE vii. 32).

Paribeni (BC 1915, 168) proposes to interpret Fortune Camcesi (sic) on the plinth of a statuette of Fortuna (CIL vi. 185=30709; MD 895) as an error for Campesi (Campensi) and to refer it to this temple.

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