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(templum, Liv. xl. 52):

a temple near the circus Flaminius, vowed by the consul M. Aemilius Lepidus in 187 B.C., in his last battle with the Ligures (Liv. xxxix. 2. I), and dedicated by Aemilius while censor in 179 (Liv. xl. 52. I) on 23rd December (Fast. Ant. ap. NS 1921, 121). A porticus connected this temple with one of Fortuna (Obseq. 16), perhaps that of FORTUNA EQUESTRIS (q.v.). A probable site for the temple of Juno is just south of the porticus Pompeiana at the west end of the circus Flaminius (AR 1909, 76; HJ 487; Gilb. iii. 81-82; Rosch. ii. 601; for identification with one of the two temples of S. Nicola ai Cesarini, see BC 1918, 135-136).

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