a temple on the Capitoline, probably within the
area Capitolina, which, together with the temple of MENS (q.v.), was
vowed by the dictator Q. Fabius Maximus, in accordance with the
instructions of the Sibylline books, after the defeat at Lake Trasumenus
in 217 B.C. (
Liv. xxii. 9. 10, 10. 10), and dedicated by Fabius as duovir
in 215 (
Liv. xxiii. 30. 13, 31. 9). The temples of Venus and Mens were
separated by a sewer (
Liv. xxiii. 31. 9; cf. Varro ap. Philogyr. ad
iv. 265). It is altogether probable that this is the temple known during
the empire as aedes Capitolina Veneris, in which Livia dedicated a
statue of an infant son of Germanicus (Suet. Cal. 7), and Galba a necklace
of precious stones (Suet. Galba 18;
Jord. i. 2. 42; Gilb. 111. 101; cf.
however, Mommsen, CIL i². p. 331 ; Becker, Top. 404).