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ἀλι^πής , ές, (λίπος)
A.without fat meagre, poor, Hices. ap. Ath.7.315d; without fatty substance, Thphr.HP9.1.3, Str.4.4.1, Dsc.1.26: Medic., not thick and fatty, of lotions as opp. to salves, Gal.13.843; of perfumes, Thphr.Od.15(Sup.); of bones, Gal.4.550; of persons, skinny, Aret.CA2.7.
II. (λείπω, λιπεῖν) unfailing, προχοαί Poet. ap. Porph.Antr.8 (PLG3.684).
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  • Cross-references in general dictionaries from this page (2):
    • Strabo, Geography, 4.4.1
    • Aretaeus, De curatione acutorum morborum libri duo, 2.7
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