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καταλείπω 1 2 3 4 fut. mid. in pass. sense 5 leave behind, Il.; esp. of persons dying or going into a far country, οἷόν μιν Τροίηνδε κιὼν κατέλειπεν Ὀδυσσεύς Od.; κ. τινὰ μόνον Soph., etc.; so in Mid., καταλείπεσθαι παῖδας to leave behind one, Hdt., etc.: —Pass. καταλελειμμένος τοῦ ἄλλου στρατοῦ being part of the army left behind, id=Hdt. leave as an heritage, Od., attic; καταλείψει οὐδὲ ταφῆναι will leave not enough to be buried with, Ar. Mid., simply, to leave in a certain state, Hdt. forsake, abandon, leave in the lurch, Hom., attic leave remaining, ὀκτὼ μόνον Xen.: Mid. to reserve for oneself, id=Xen.:—Pass., καταλείπεται μάχη yet remains to be fought id=Xen. leave alone, id=Xen.

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