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călumnĭōsus , a, um, adj. calumnia,
I.full of tricks or artifices, swindling (postAug.): “calumniosus est, qui sciens prudensque per fraudem negotium alicui comparat,Paul. Sent. 1, 5, 1; 1, 5, 2: “accusatio,Dig. 38, 2, 14: “criminationes,Arn. 1 init.Sup., Aug. Ep. 152 fin.
II. Subst.: -lumnĭōsus , i, m., a person convicted of false information, Dig. 48, 16, 3; cf. calumnia, I. B. 4.—Adv.: călumnĭōsē , artfully, by trickery, Dig. 46, 5, 7; Aug. Ep. 48. —Sup., Symm. Ep. 10, 76.
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  • Cross-references in general dictionaries from this page (1):
    • Augustine, Epistualae, 48
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